Oops, unfortunately you can’t log in using the mobile version of wifis.org. Please proceed to our desktop version: {0}
Oops, unfortunately you can’t log in using the mobile version of wifis.org. Please proceed to our desktop version: {0}
Die mobile Version von wifis.org bietet keinen Login. Die Vollversion der Website ist unter: {0}Traduction parent en en - English :Oops, unfortunately you can’t log in using the mobile version of wifis.org. Please proceed to our desktop version: {0}
PresseTraduction parent en en - English :press
PresseTraduction parent en en - English :press
Bellow you find a collection of the recent press coverage we received. Feel free to use screenshots of the website or <a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/110726804868278117649/WifisOrg" target="_blank">these image resources</a> for you article. For inquiries please <a href="/p/about">contact us</a> and thanks a lot for your support!
Bellow you find a collection of the recent press coverage we received. Feel free to use screenshots of the website or
<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/110726804868278117649/WifisOrg" target="_blank">
these image resources</a>
for you article. For inquiries please<a href="/p/about">
contact us</a>
and thanks a lot for your support!SeitdemTraduction parent en en - English :<b>
Ende 2011 live gegangen ist, wird die Seite regelmäßig in Blogs und Nachrichten-Webseiten weltweit empfohlen.<br>
Für Anfragen sind wir jederzeit<a href="/p/about">
und freuen uns über weitere Unterstützung.<br><br>
Frei verwendbares Bildmaterial ist<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/110726804868278117649/WifisOrg" target="_blank">
verfügbar.Bellow you find a collection of the recent press coverage we received. Feel free to use screenshots of the website or
<a href="https://picasaweb.google.com/110726804868278117649/WifisOrg" target="_blank">
these image resources</a>
for you article. For inquiries please<a href="/p/about">
contact us</a>
and thanks a lot for your support! -
terms of service
terms of service
NutzungsbedingungenTraduction parent en en - English :terms of service
terms of service
terms of service
NutzungsbedingungenTraduction parent en en - English :terms of service
Die Nutzerungsbedingungen sind derzeitTraduction parent en en - English :<b>
nur auf Englisch</b>
verfügbar. -
my Wi-Fis
my Wi-Fis
Meine WLANsTraduction parent en en - English :my Wi-Fis
my Wi-Fis
my Wi-Fis
Meine WLANsTraduction parent en en - English :my Wi-Fis
Here you can register or delete your wifis.org IDs:
Here you can register or delete your wifis.org IDs:
Hier kannst du wifis.org Adressen registrieren oder löschen:Traduction parent en en - English :Here you can register or delete your wifis.org IDs:
LöschenTraduction parent en en - English :Delete
Enter a Wi-Fi name
Enter a Wi-Fi name
WLAN Namen eingebenTraduction parent en en - English :Enter a Wi-Fi name
TestenTraduction parent en en - English :Check
RegistrierenTraduction parent en en - English :Register
This ID is available.
This ID is available.
WLAN-Name ist verfügbarTraduction parent en en - English :This ID is available.
Please insert a name.
Please insert a name.
Kein WLAN-Name definiertTraduction parent en en - English :Please insert a name.
wifis.org ID not found.
wifis.org ID not found.
WLAN nicht gefundenTraduction parent en en - English :wifis.org ID not found.
You already registered this ID.
You already registered this ID.
Bereits dein WLANTraduction parent en en - English :You already registered this ID.
This wifis.org ID is already taken by another user.
This wifis.org ID is already taken by another user.
WLAN-Name ist bereits vergebenTraduction parent en en - English :This wifis.org ID is already taken by another user.
Your ID has to be at least 3 characters.
Your ID has to be at least 3 characters.
WLAN-Namen müssen mind 3 Zeichen lang seinTraduction parent en en - English :Your ID has to be at least 3 characters.