Gibberfish, Inc./Gibberfish Management Portal
Your email address was updated successfully!
Your email address was updated successfully!
आपका ईमेल पता सफलतापूर्वक अद्यतन किया गया था! -
Your 2FA devices have been removed!
Your 2FA devices have been removed!
अपने 2FA उपकरणों हटा दिया गया है! -
Base domain name
Base domain name
बेस डोमेन नाम -
The internet domain name for your Gibberfish server.
The internet domain name for your Gibberfish server.
आपके Gibberfish सर्वर के लिए इंटरनेट डोमेन नाम । -
उदाहरण: -
This does not appear to be a valid domain name.
This does not appear to be a valid domain name.
यह कोई मांय डोमेन नाम प्रतीत नहीं होता । -
Collabora domain name
Collabora domain name
Collabora डोमेन नाम -
The sub-domain for the Collabora service.
The sub-domain for the Collabora service.
Collabora सेवा के लिए उप-डोमेन । -
This must resolve to the same IP as the base domain.
This must resolve to the same IP as the base domain.
यह आधार डोमेन के रूप में एक ही IP के लिए हल करना होगा । -
Multi-user chat domain name
Multi-user chat domain name
बहु-उपयोगकर्ता चैट डोमेन नाम -
The sub-domain for the chat service.
The sub-domain for the chat service.
चैट सेवा के लिए उप-डोमेन । -
Admin email
Admin email
व्यवस्थापक ईमेल -
Server timezone
Server timezone
सर्वर समय क्षेत्र -
Set the server's timezone for scheduled maintenance tasks.
Set the server's timezone for scheduled maintenance tasks.
शेड्यूल किए गए रखरखाव कार्यों के लिए सर्वर का समय क्षेत्र सेट करें । -
Show advanced options
Show advanced options
उंनत विकल्प दिखाएं -
Please enter the domain names that have been configured for your Gibberfish cloud.
Please enter the domain names that have been configured for your Gibberfish cloud.
कृपया डोमेन नाम दर्ज करें जो आपके Gibberfish क्लाउड के लिए कॉंफ़िगर किए गए हैं । -
The "base" domain will act as the web address of your server.
The "base" domain will act as the web address of your server.
"आधार" डोमेन आपके सर्वर के वेब पते के रूप में कार्य करेगा । -
The "office" and "conference" domains will be used for additional services.
The "office" and "conference" domains will be used for additional services.
"कार्यालय" और "कॉंफ़्रेंस" डोमेन अतिरिक्त सेवाओं के लिए उपयोग किया जाएगा । -
Refer to the Management Portal Guide for more information.
Refer to the Management Portal Guide for more information.
अधिक जानकारी के लिए प्रबंधन पोर्टल मार्गदर्शिका देखें । -