Gibberfish, Inc./Gibberfish Management Portal
We recommend that you review our VPN Guide before downloading and distributing this file.
We recommend that you review our VPN Guide before downloading and distributing this file.
我們建議您在下載和分發此文件檔之前,查看我們的 VPN 指南。 -
No VPN client bundle found.
No VPN client bundle found.
找不到 VPN 用戶端包。 -
Please deploy/unlock your Gibberfish cloud, then return here to download the file.
Please deploy/unlock your Gibberfish cloud, then return here to download the file.
請配置/解鎖您的 Gibberfish 雲端, 然後返回此處下載該文件檔。 -
Download VPN client bundle
Download VPN client bundle
下載 VPN 用戶端包 -
VPN Client
VPN Client
VPN 用戶端 -
DNS update server name
DNS update server name
DNS 更新伺服器名稱 -
Fully qualified domain name
Fully qualified domain name
完全合格的網域名稱 -
密碼/秘密 -
If you do not have a static IP address (for instance when using a residential internet connection), you must configure a dynamic DNS update service.
If you do not have a static IP address (for instance when using a residential internet connection), you must configure a dynamic DNS update service.
如果您沒有靜態 IP 位址 (如在使用住宅互聯網連接時), 則必須配置動態的 DNS 更新服務。 -
Contact Gibberfish for the correct settings to enter below.
Contact Gibberfish for the correct settings to enter below.
請聯絡 Gibberfish 以獲取正確的設置, 以便在下面輸入。 -
DNS Updates
DNS Updates
DNS 更新 -
Update the Management Portal
Update the Management Portal
更新管理門戶 -
Update the Cloud Platform
Update the Cloud Platform
更新雲端平臺 -
Gibberfish releases online updates to our software via our git repositories.
Gibberfish releases online updates to our software via our git repositories.
gibberfish 通過我們的 git 存儲庫發佈我們軟體的線上更新。 -
If you would like your server to automatically check for and apply the updates daily, you must enable this below.
If you would like your server to automatically check for and apply the updates daily, you must enable this below.
如果您希望伺服器每天自動檢查並應用更新, 則必須在下面啟用此選項。 -
Software Updates
Software Updates
軟體更新 -
更新 -
Click the 'Reboot' button below to reboot your server.
Click the 'Reboot' button below to reboot your server.
點擊下面的 "重新開機" 按鈕重新開機伺服器。 -
Please wait several minutes for the reboot to complete.
Please wait several minutes for the reboot to complete.