FACELIFT /Facelift Cloud - Post Performance
Engagement Rate
The percentage of the people that have seen this post and engaged with it. Calculation: "Engaged users" divided by "Reach"
Virality Rate
Shows the percentage of the impressions because the Page's post entered a person's screen with social information attached. It is calculated as follows: "Viral post impressions" divided by "Total post Impressions"
Average % watched
Shows how much percentage of the video people have watched on average. It is calculated as follows: Average time watched in seconds divided by the length of the video.
View time (minutes)
The total time (in minutes) that the video has been viewed.
videoLength - title
videoLength - description
videoViews - title
videoViews - description
videoViews10s - title
videoViews10s - description
videoViews30s - title
videoViews30s - description
videoCompleteViews - title
videoCompleteViews - description
videoViewsOnPageOwned - title
videoViewsOnPageOwned - description
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