LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
This paragraph is over {0} words long here, consider revising it.
This paragraph is over {0} words long here, consider revising it.
El párrafu tien más de {0} pallabres de llargor. considera revisalu -
The word is classified as filler word. Delete it if possible.
The word is classified as filler word. Delete it if possible.
La pallabra considérase de rellenu. Desaníciala si ye posible -
Show filler words when percent per paragraph is more than:
Show filler words when percent per paragraph is more than:
Amosar les pallabres de rellenu con un porcentaxe per párrafu mayor del: -
Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.
Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.
Añade un signu de puntuación al final del párrafu -
À vérifier
note that the statistics rule is not offered for all languages, see
Detects potentially wrong usage of "{0}" instead of "{1}"Detects potentially wrong usage of "{0}" instead of "{1}"
Detecta estadísticamente l'usu erroneu de pallabres que se suelen confundir fácilmente -
Note: This language isn't fully supported in LanguageTool as there's nobody who actively maintains it. <a href="">See how you can help.</a>
Note: This language isn't fully supported in LanguageTool as there's nobody who actively maintains it.
<a href="">
See how you can help.</a>
Nota: Esta llingua nun ta totalmente sofitada en LanguageTool yá que nun hai naide que la caltenga activamente.<a href="">
Mira cómo pues ayudar.</a>
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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