LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
This sentence is over {0} words long. Consider splitting it up, as shorter sentences make the text easier to read.
This sentence is over {0} words long. Consider splitting it up, as shorter sentences make the text easier to read.
Re hir eo ar frazenn-mañ eus {0} ger el lec'h merket, bezit e soñj adwelet anezhi -
Readability: paragraph over {0} words
Readability: paragraph over {0} words
Lennusted: pennad ennañ muioc'h evit {0} ger -
This paragraph is over {0} words long here, consider revising it.
This paragraph is over {0} words long here, consider revising it.
Ar pennad a zo re hir anezhañ eus {0} ger, bezit e soñj adwelet anezhañ -
Filler words
Filler words
Gerioù leuniañ -
The word is classified as filler word. Delete it if possible.
The word is classified as filler word. Delete it if possible.
Ar ger a zo rummet evel bezañ ur ger leuniañ. Grit e seurt d'en em zizober dioutañ ma vez posupl -
Show filler words when percent per paragraph is more than:
Show filler words when percent per paragraph is more than:
Diskouez ar gerioù leuniañ pa vez brasoc'h an dregantad dre bennad evit: -
Empty Line
Empty Line
Linenn c'houllo -
Please delete empty line below and use formatting instead
Please delete empty line below and use formatting instead
Dilamit al linennoù goullo dindan ha grit gant ar furmad e-plas mar plij -
Space character at the end of paragraph
Space character at the end of paragraph
Spas e fin ar rannbennad -
Please delete the space character at the end of the paragraph.
Please delete the space character at the end of the paragraph.
Dilamit an spas e fin ar rannbennad mar plij. -
Space character at the beginning of paragraph
Space character at the beginning of paragraph
Arouezenn spas e penn-kentañ ar rannbennad -
Please delete the space character at the beginning of the paragraph.
Please delete the space character at the beginning of the paragraph.
Dilamit ar spas e penn-kentañ ar rannbennad mar plij. -
Same beginning of paragraph
Same beginning of paragraph
Memes mod da stagañ gant ar rannbennad -
Same beginning as last paragraph
Same beginning as last paragraph
Memes mod da stagañ gant ar rannbennad a zo a-raok -
No punctuation mark at the end of paragraph
No punctuation mark at the end of paragraph
Merk poentadur ebet e fin ar rannbennad -
Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.
Please add a punctuation mark at the end of paragraph.
Ouzhpennit ur merk poentadur e fin ar rannbennad mar plij -
Look & Feel
Look & Feel
Sellit & Em-soñjit -
Tamileg -
Perseg -