LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
Don't put a space before the full stop.
Don't put a space before the full stop.
Non poña espazos antes dun punto. -
Don't put a space on both sides of a quote symbol.
Don't put a space on both sides of a quote symbol.
Non poña un espazo a ambos os lados dunhas aspas. -
Don't put a space before the colon.
Don't put a space before the colon.
Non poña espazos antes de dous puntos. -
Don't put a space before the semicolon.
Don't put a space before the semicolon.
Non poña espazos antes de punto e coma. -
Don't put a space before the percentage.
Don't put a space before the percentage.
Non poña espazos antes da porcentaxe. -
Polaco -
Possible typo: you repeated a word.
Possible typo: you repeated a word.
Posíbel erro tipográfico: repetiu unha palabra -
<br><b> {0}. Line {1}, column {2}</b><br>
{0}. Line {1}, column {2}</b><br>
{0}. Liña {1}, columna {2}</b><br>
Results will appear here
Results will appear here
Os resultados aparecerán aquí -
<br>Time: {0}ms<br>
Time: {0}ms<br>
Tempo: {0}ms<br>
Ruso -
Eslovaco -
Esloveno -
Put a space after the comma, but not before the comma.
Put a space after the comma, but not before the comma.
Poña un espazo en branco despois da coma, pero nunca antes. -
Possible spelling mistake found.
Possible spelling mistake found.
Atopouse un posíbel erro ortográfico -
Starting check in {0}
Starting check in {0}
Inicio da revisión en {0} -
Sueco -
Tagalo -
Text Language:
Text Language:
Idioma do texto: -
Two consecutive commas
Two consecutive commas
Dúas comas consecutivas
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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