LanguageTooler GmbH/LT Core
Current Profile:
Current Profile:
Current Profile: -
Apply Default Options
Apply Default Options
Apply Default Options -
Delete Current Profile
Delete Current Profile
Delete current Profile -
Add a new Profile:
Add a new Profile:
Add a new Profile: -
Default Profile
Default Profile
Default Profile -
Use document language
Use document language
Use document language -
Set language to
Set language to
Set language to -
Use more than one core (faster but high CPU load)
Use more than one core (faster but high CPU load)
Use more than one core (faster but high CPU load) -
Do not use synonyms as suggestions (faster, regards only few rules)
Do not use synonyms as suggestions (faster, regards only few rules)
Do not use synonyms as suggestions (faster, regards only few rules) -
Use remote server to check text
Use remote server to check text
Use remote server to check text -
Use server:
Use server:
Use server: -
(http://Server_Name:Port) WITHOUT /v2
(http://Server_Name:Port) WITHOUT /v2
(http://Server_Name:Port) WITHOUT /v2 -
Please use URL like http://Server_Name:Port or https://Server_Name:Port
Please use URL like http://Server_Name:Port or https://Server_Name:Port
Please use URL like http://Server_Name:Port or https://Server_Name:Port -
Don't add "/v2" or "/" at the end of URL
Don't add "/v2" or "/" at the end of URL
Don't add "/v2" or "/" at the end of URL -
Maximum distance between two repeated words (0 - 5 sentences):
Maximum distance between two repeated words (0 - 5 sentences):
Maximum distance between two repeated words (0 - 5 sentences): -
Maximum sentences length (5 - 100 words):
Maximum sentences length (5 - 100 words):
Maximum sentences length (5 - 100 words): -
Maximum paragraphs length (5 - {0} words):
Maximum paragraphs length (5 - {0} words):
Maximum paragraphs length (5 - 200 words): -
underline a single character error by a bold wave
underline a single character error by a bold wave
underline a single character error by a bold wave -
Change -
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