WTMG website
Do you want to open up your garden? {addGardenLink}. Are you looking for a camping spot? Pick your favourite garden and contact your host! Arrange a date and time for your stay and off you go!
Do you want to open up your garden? {addGardenLink}. Are you looking for a camping spot? Pick your favourite garden and contact your host! Arrange a date and time for your stay and off you go!
Souhaitez-vous accueillir dans votre jardin? {addGardenLink}. Si vous cherchez un jardin où poser votre tente, cliquez sur "Explorer la carte" et contactez un.e hôte. Mettez-vous d’accord sur une date et c’est parti! -
Add it to the map
Add it to the map
Ajoutez-le sur la carte -
Step 2: Plan your journey
Step 2: Plan your journey
Étape 2: Planifiez votre voyage -
After you’ve made arrangements with your hosts, figure out your walking/biking route to your host’s garden. Introduce yourself and pitch your tent for the night.
After you’ve made arrangements with your hosts, figure out your walking/biking route to your host’s garden. Introduce yourself and pitch your tent for the night.
Préparez votre itinéraire. Après s’être mis.e d’accord avec votre hôte, marchez ou rendez-vous à vélo jusqu’au jardin. -
Step 3: Pitch your tent and have fun!
Step 3: Pitch your tent and have fun!
Étape 3: Plantez votre tente et profitez-en! -
Enjoy your stay, whether that means a quiet night all by yourself, having fun with your friends or family or hanging out with your hosts - whatever both parties prefer. Say fond farewells and continue on your hike or ride the next day!
Enjoy your stay, whether that means a quiet night all by yourself, having fun with your friends or family or hanging out with your hosts - whatever both parties prefer. Say fond farewells and continue on your hike or ride the next day!
Passez une nuit calme, amusez-vous avec vos ami.e.s, votre famille ou discutez avec votre hôte, selon les préférences de chacun.e. Continuez votre randonnée pédestre ou cycliste le lendemain. Et surtout, amusez-vous! -
All you need to know
All you need to know
Tout ce que vous devez savoir -
Here are the most important things you need to know about your next adventure. Please read this FAQ section thoroughly so that you know what you’re getting yourself into. More questions? Read more in {faqLink}!
Here are the most important things you need to know about your next adventure. Please read this FAQ section thoroughly so that you know what you’re getting yourself into. More questions? Read more in {faqLink}!
Vous trouverez ci-dessous tout ce que vous devez savoir pour partir à l’aventure. Lisez attentivement la section FAQ afin de savoir exactement comment la plateforme fonctionne. Plus de questions? {faqLink}! -
our complete FAQ
our complete FAQ
Consultez notre FAQ -
Who is Welcome To My Garden for?
Who is Welcome To My Garden for?
Pour qui est Welcome To My Garden? -
Welcome To My Garden has been created for hikers and cyclists who need a camping spot on their trail at the end of the day. It isn’t meant to replace fully-fledged campsites; just a safe spot for the night! Consider it an addition to Belgium’s network of bivouacking sites. Welcome To My Garden is non-commercial: no money should exchange hands. This means that as a host, you cannot ask your guests to pay for their stay.
Welcome To My Garden has been created for hikers and cyclists who need a camping spot on their trail at the end of the day. It isn’t meant to replace fully-fledged campsites; just a safe spot for the night! Consider it an addition to Belgium’s network of bivouacking sites. Welcome To My Garden is non-commercial: no money should exchange hands. This means that as a host, you cannot ask your guests to pay for their stay.
Welcome To My Garden a été créé pour les randonneurs/randonneuses pédestres ou les cyclistes ayant besoin d’un coin d’herbe pour poser leur tente à la fin d’une longue journée. Le but n’est pas de remplacer les campings mais de simplement d’offrir un endroit en sécurité pour la nuit. Considérez le comme une addition au réseau des zones de bivouacs référencées en Belgique. Welcome To My Garden est une initiative sans but lucratif : aucun argent ne peut être échangé lors de son utilisation. En tant qu’hôte, vous ne pouvez donc pas demander aux voyageurs de payer pour la nuit. -
How do I get to my camping spot?
How do I get to my camping spot?
Comment puis-je arriver au jardin? -
Welcome To My Garden is for slow travellers only. Please walk or bike to your camping spot. Of course you can use public transport or your car to get to the start of your trail - as long as you don't turn up at your host's in your car!
Welcome To My Garden is for slow travellers only. Please walk or bike to your camping spot. Of course you can use public transport or your car to get to the start of your trail - as long as you don't turn up at your host's in your car!
Welcome To My Garden est destiné aux voyageurs et voyageuses adeptes du slow travel, c’est à dire à celles et ceux qui arriveront au jardin à pied ou en vélo. Vous pouvez bien sûr utiliser les transports en commun ou votre voiture pour arriver au début de votre randonnée - mais vous ne pouvez pas arriver chez votre hôte directement en voiture. -
How do I request a stay?
How do I request a stay?
Comment contacter un.e hôte? -
Except if clearly stated on the host’s profile, you should always contact the host in advance. When you request a stay, please provide some information about yourself, your arrival date and time.
Except if clearly stated on the host’s profile, you should always contact the host in advance. When you request a stay, please provide some information about yourself, your arrival date and time.
Sauf si indication contraire, vous devez toujours contacter votre hôte à l’avance. Lorsque vous envoyez une demande, n’oubliez pas d’inclure des informations sur vous, sur votre voyage et la date de votre arrivée. -
What about facilities?
What about facilities?
Et les installations? -
Basically hosts just offer a corner in their garden for you to pitch your tent on. In addition, they may offer access to drinking water, a toilet and electricity. They are not obliged to do so though: all of these are bonuses. Consider a garden as a bivouac spot; not a fully-fledged campsite.
Basically hosts just offer a corner in their garden for you to pitch your tent on. In addition, they may offer access to drinking water, a toilet and electricity. They are not obliged to do so though: all of these are bonuses. Consider a garden as a bivouac spot; not a fully-fledged campsite.
Les jardins mis à disposition sont des coins d’herbe pour poser votre tente. Selon le choix des propriétaires, vous pourriez également avoir accès - ou non - à de l'eau potable, aux sanitaires et à l'électricité. Ils ne sont toutefois pas obligés de le faire : c’est un bonus. Considérez les jardins comme des zones de bivouacs ; il ne s’agit en aucun cas d’espaces de camping à part entière. -
Does Welcome To My Garden cost anything?
Does Welcome To My Garden cost anything?
Est-ce que Welcome To My Garden a un coût? -
Using Welcome To My Garden is completely free. However, as a platform we do incur costs. If you want to make a donation that will put a big smile on our faces! We are a not-for-profit initiative, so we’re not making any money out of this.
Using Welcome To My Garden is completely free. However, as a platform we do incur costs. If you want to make a donation that will put a big smile on our faces! We are a not-for-profit initiative, so we’re not making any money out of this.
Utiliser Welcome To My Garden est 100% gratuit. Cependant, en tant que plateforme, nous engageons des frais. Si vous souhaitez nous soutenir, vous pouvez faire un don. Nous sommes une initiative citoyenne sans but lucratif et ne faisons donc aucun profit sur l’argent collecté. En effet, chaque somme collectée couvre des frais. Vous trouverez la liste des dépenses sur la page de dons. -
Our partners
Our partners
Nos partenaires