WTMG website
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Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
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Jardin -
A not-for-profit network of citizens offering free camping spots in their gardens to slow travellers
A not-for-profit network of citizens offering free camping spots in their gardens to slow travellers
Welcome To My Garden est un réseau de citoyen.ne.s offrant leur jardin comme espace de bivouac gratuit pour des voyageurs et voyageuses adeptes du slow travel. -
Add your garden
Add your garden
Ajouter son jardin -
Explore map
Explore map
Explorer la carte -
Learn more
Learn more
En savoir plus -
Step 1: Sign up to become or find a host
Step 1: Sign up to become or find a host
Étape 1: Inscrivez-vous pour devenir ou trouver un.e hôte -
Do you want to open up your garden? {addGardenLink}. Are you looking for a camping spot? Pick your favourite garden and contact your host! Arrange a date and time for your stay and off you go!
Do you want to open up your garden? {addGardenLink}. Are you looking for a camping spot? Pick your favourite garden and contact your host! Arrange a date and time for your stay and off you go!
Souhaitez-vous accueillir dans votre jardin? {addGardenLink}. Si vous cherchez un jardin où poser votre tente, cliquez sur "Explorer la carte" et contactez un.e hôte. Mettez-vous d’accord sur une date et c’est parti! -
Add it to the map
Add it to the map
Ajoutez-le sur la carte -
Step 2: Plan your journey
Step 2: Plan your journey
Étape 2: Planifiez votre voyage -
After you’ve made arrangements with your hosts, figure out your walking/biking route to your host’s garden. Introduce yourself and pitch your tent for the night.
After you’ve made arrangements with your hosts, figure out your walking/biking route to your host’s garden. Introduce yourself and pitch your tent for the night.
Préparez votre itinéraire. Après s’être mis.e d’accord avec votre hôte, marchez ou rendez-vous à vélo jusqu’au jardin. -
Step 3: Pitch your tent and have fun!
Step 3: Pitch your tent and have fun!
Étape 3: Plantez votre tente et profitez-en!
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