WTMG website
Welcome To My Garden is a network of citizens offering free camping spots in their gardens to slow travellers. It is a not-for-profit initiative and no income should be made from it. Welcome To My Garden will not take any responsibility for any loss, damage or injury incurred during a stay.
Welcome To My Garden is a network of citizens offering free camping spots in their gardens to slow travellers. It is a not-for-profit initiative and no income should be made from it. Welcome To My Garden will not take any responsibility for any loss, damage or injury incurred during a stay.
Welcome To My Garden est un réseau de citoyen.ne.s offrant leur jardin comme un espace de bivouac gratuit pour de voyageurs et voyageuses adeptes du slow travel. Il s’agit d’une initiative sans but lucratif et en conséquence, aucun bénéfice, ni de la part de la plateforme ni de la part des hôtes, ne peut être fait. Welcome To My Garden ne prendra aucune responsabilité pour toute perte, dommage ou blessure encourue pendant un séjour. -
Send a request in advance to the garden owner
Send a request in advance to the garden owner
Envoyez une demande à l’avance au propriétaire du jardin -
Garden owners might not be home and ready to welcome you at all times. We ask users to contact the garden owner in advance to check availability directly. This should be done by sending a request to the host through their profile. After establishing the initial connection you can exchange contact details, so that you can stay in touch and update your host about your arrival time by email or phone, depending on their preference. When you send a request, provide some information about yourself and about your expected arrival time.
Garden owners might not be home and ready to welcome you at all times. We ask users to contact the garden owner in advance to check availability directly. This should be done by sending a request to the host through their profile. After establishing the initial connection you can exchange contact details, so that you can stay in touch and update your host about your arrival time by email or phone, depending on their preference. When you send a request, provide some information about yourself and about your expected arrival time.
Les propriétaires de jardins ne sont pas toujours disponibles pour vous accueillir. Contactez-les à l’avance via leur profil et vérifiez leurs disponibilités directement. Après avoir établi un premier contact, vous pourrez échanger vos coordonnées afin de rester en contact et les informer de votre heure d’arrivée, soit par email, soit par téléphone selon leur préférence. Lorsque vous envoyez une demande, n'hésitez pas à donner quelques informations sur vous et votre voyage ! -
No car rule
No car rule
Pas de voiture -
Welcome To My Garden respects the environment and has been set up for slow travellers only. This means you can only reach the camping spots on foot, by bicycle or public transport. Getting there with your private car is forbidden. You are allowed to drive to the start of your hiking or biking trail – as long as you don’t turn up at the camping spots in your car.
Welcome To My Garden respects the environment and has been set up for slow travellers only. This means you can only reach the camping spots on foot, by bicycle or public transport. Getting there with your private car is forbidden. You are allowed to drive to the start of your hiking or biking trail – as long as you don’t turn up at the camping spots in your car.
Welcome To My Garden respecte l’environnement et est une initiative à destination des voyageurs et voyageuses adeptes du slow travel, c’est à dire pour ceux et celles qui se déplacent à pied, à vélo ou en transport en commun. Arriver directement à un jardin en voiture est interdit. Vous pouvez bien sûr vous déplacer en voiture pour vous rendre au point de départ de votre randonnée pédestre ou cycliste. -
Maximum duration of stay
Maximum duration of stay
Durée maximum -
You can stay at a camping spot for a maximum of 48 hours. Always check with the garden owner.
You can stay at a camping spot for a maximum of 48 hours. Always check with the garden owner.
Vous ne pouvez rester dans les jardins pour une durée maximale de 48 heures. Néanmoins, confirmez toujours à l'avance la durée de votre séjour avec le/la propriétaire du jardin. -
Maximum amount of tents
Maximum amount of tents
Nombre maximum de tentes -
Garden owners define how many tents they can accommodate each night (this is not Dour Festival). Please respect their choice.
Garden owners define how many tents they can accommodate each night (this is not Dour Festival). Please respect their choice.
Les propriétaires de jardin définissent le nombre de tentes qu’ils/elles peuvent accueillir chaque nuit (ce n’est pas le festival de Dour !). Merci de respecter leur choix. -
Installations -
Facilities may vary from one camping spot to another. Some garden owners might offer access to their bathrooms; others might prefer not to. Please respect their choices in these matters as well.
Facilities may vary from one camping spot to another. Some garden owners might offer access to their bathrooms; others might prefer not to. Please respect their choices in these matters as well.
Les installations peuvent varier d’un jardin à un autre. Certains propriétaires décident de mettre leurs sanitaires à disposition; d’autres décideront de ne pas le faire. Merci de respecter leur choix. -
Respect for nature
Respect for nature
Respect de la nature -
All your waste has to be taken away. This includes pee and poo if there’s no toilet available: find a bush or tree outside the garden for Number One; bag your Number Two and throw it in a bin the next day. Respect nature and the garden owners: apply the Leave No Trace principle as you would if bivouacking out in the wild.
All your waste has to be taken away. This includes pee and poo if there’s no toilet available: find a bush or tree outside the garden for Number One; bag your Number Two and throw it in a bin the next day. Respect nature and the garden owners: apply the Leave No Trace principle as you would if bivouacking out in the wild.
Emportez avec vous tous vos déchets en respectant le principe de Leave No Trace. Ce principe inclut les besoins naturels lorsqu’il n’y a pas de toilettes disponibles : trouvez un buisson ou un arbre en dehors du jardin pour le besoin numéro 1 ; en cas de besoin numéro 2, emballez-le et jetez-le dans une poubelle le jour suivant. Respectez la nature et le jardin de vos hôtes en agissant comme lorsque vous faites un bivouac en pleine nature. -
No noise policy
No noise policy
Respect du voisinage -
Please respect the camping spot owners’ privacy. So don’t sing along with Celine Dion at the top of your voice or generate any other type of noise – definitely not after 10pm!
Please respect the camping spot owners’ privacy. So don’t sing along with Celine Dion at the top of your voice or generate any other type of noise – definitely not after 10pm!
Respectez l’intimité des propriétaires et le voisinage. Pas question de chanter Céline Dion à toute voix ou de faire trop de bruit - en tout cas pas après 22h ! -
Have fun!
Have fun!
Profitez, profitez, profitez ! -
This is a great opportunity to meet other people and have fun! Learn a few words of French, Dutch or German if you’re travelling in a different region than your own. Be curious, share stories and build new friendships!
This is a great opportunity to meet other people and have fun! Learn a few words of French, Dutch or German if you’re travelling in a different region than your own. Be curious, share stories and build new friendships!
Ceci est une excellente opportunité de rencontrer d’autres personnes ! Apprenez quelques mots de néerlandais, d’anglais ou d’allemand si vous voyagez dans une autre région que la vôtre. Soyez curieux, partagez des histoires et faites des nouvelles amitiés ! -
Spread the word
Spread the word
Partagez Welcome To My Garden autour de vous -
Would you like to open up your garden or do you know someone who would be happy to? Spread the word about Welcome To My Garden! You can invite them to like our Facebook Page too.
Would you like to open up your garden or do you know someone who would be happy to? Spread the word about Welcome To My Garden! You can invite them to like our Facebook Page too.
Connaissez-vous quelqu’un qui pourrait ouvrir son jardin ? Partagez les informations à propos de l’initiative ! Vous pouvez également les inviter à suivre notre page Facebook. -
Happy camping!
Happy camping!
Bon bivouac !