WTMG website
All your personal details are protected by the login system. If you are a host, we will not display your house number or exact location on the map. You can give this to your guests once you’re in touch with them. You decide how you want them to contact you: by email, by phone, or both.
All your personal details are protected by the login system. If you are a host, we will not display your house number or exact location on the map. You can give this to your guests once you’re in touch with them. You decide how you want them to contact you: by email, by phone, or both.
Toutes vos données personnelles sont protégées grâce au système d’identification mis en place. Si vous êtes un hôte, nous ne publierons pas le numéro de votre maison et les voyageurs ne pourront pas zoomer exactement sur votre habitation. Vous pourrez donner toutes ces informations aux voyageurs quand vous serez en contact avec eux. À vous de dire comment vous souhaitez communiquer avec eux. -
What facilities will you find in the garden?
What facilities will you find in the garden?
Quelles installations pourrez-vous trouver dans les jardins ? -
Basically hosts just offer a corner in their garden for you to pitch your tent on. In addition, they may offer access to drinking water, a toilet and electricity. They are not obliged to do so though: all of these are bonuses. Consider a garden as a bivouac spot; not a fully-fledged campsite.
Basically hosts just offer a corner in their garden for you to pitch your tent on. In addition, they may offer access to drinking water, a toilet and electricity. They are not obliged to do so though: all of these are bonuses. Consider a garden as a bivouac spot; not a fully-fledged campsite.
Les jardins mis à disposition sont des coins d’herbe pour poser votre tente. Selon le choix des propriétaires, vous pourriez également avoir accès - ou non - à de l'eau potable, aux sanitaires et à l'électricité. Ils ne sont toutefois pas obligés de le faire : c’est un bonus. Considérez les jardins comme des zones de bivouacs ; il ne s’agit en aucun cas d’espaces de campings à part entière. -
Does Welcome To My Garden cost anything?
Does Welcome To My Garden cost anything?
Est-ce que Welcome To My Garden a un coût ? -
Using Welcome To My Garden is completely free. However, as a platform we do incur costs. If you want to make a donation that will put a big smile on our faces! We are a not-for-profit initiative, so we’re not making any money out of this. This means any money you donate will go directly towards covering the costs of the project. You can look into our expenses too on the donation page.
Using Welcome To My Garden is completely free. However, as a platform we do incur costs. If you want to make a donation that will put a big smile on our faces! We are a not-for-profit initiative, so we’re not making any money out of this. This means any money you donate will go directly towards covering the costs of the project. You can look into our expenses too on the donation page.
Utiliser Welcome To My Garden est 100% gratuit. Cependant, en tant que plateforme, nous engageons des frais. Si vous souhaitez nous soutenir, vous pouvez faire un don. Nous sommes une initiative citoyenne sans but lucratif et ne faisons donc aucun profit sur l’argent collecté. En effet, chaque somme collectée couvre des frais. Vous trouverez la liste des dépenses sur la page de dons. -
I don’t have a garden. Can I still travel to other people’s gardens?
I don’t have a garden. Can I still travel to other people’s gardens?
Je n’ai pas de jardin. Est-ce que je peux quand même voyager dans les jardins d’autres personnes ? -
Yes! You don’t need to offer a garden to use one. The platform is open to all slow travellers!
Yes! You don’t need to offer a garden to use one. The platform is open to all slow travellers!
Bien sûr ! Vous n’avez pas besoin d’offrir un jardin pour pouvoir utiliser Welcome To My Garden. -
How long can I stay there?
How long can I stay there?
Combien de temps puis-je rester dans un jardin ? -
Since these camping spots only cater to the needs of slow travellers who are on a multi-stage trek or bike ride, you can stay at a camping spot for a maximum of 48 hours (two nights). Of course you can move on to the next camping spot after that! And the next. And the next…Always check with the host how long you can stay, some hosts will prefer that you stay one night only.
Since these camping spots only cater to the needs of slow travellers who are on a multi-stage trek or bike ride, you can stay at a camping spot for a maximum of 48 hours (two nights). Of course you can move on to the next camping spot after that! And the next. And the next…Always check with the host how long you can stay, some hosts will prefer that you stay one night only.
Étant donné que les jardins sont mis à disposition des voyageurs qui se déplacent à pied ou à vélo, vous ne pouvez y rester que pour un maximum de 48 heures (2 nuits). Vérifiez toujours avec votre hôte pour vous assurer de la durée de votre séjour. -
Can I bring my family? My children? My dog?
Can I bring my family? My children? My dog?
Est-ce que je peux venir avec ma famille ? Mes enfants ? Et mon chien dans tout ça ? -
It’s best to ask your host whether they are open to children and/or dogs. Quite a few hosts have already indicated on their profile that they are open to families, but even if they haven’t, you can always ask!
It’s best to ask your host whether they are open to children and/or dogs. Quite a few hosts have already indicated on their profile that they are open to families, but even if they haven’t, you can always ask!
Vérifiez toujours avec votre hôte ce qui est possible, ou non, pour lui/elle. Dans certains cas, les hôtes annoncent clairement sur leur profil être ouverts aux familles. -
So, what if there’s no toilet?
So, what if there’s no toilet?
Que faire s’il n’y a pas de toilettes ? -
Not every host may offer access to a toilet. In this case, please find a spot outside the garden that meets your needs. Pee behind a tree, and bag your Number Two so you can bin it the next day. Apply the Leave No Trace principle as you would when camping out in the wild.
Not every host may offer access to a toilet. In this case, please find a spot outside the garden that meets your needs. Pee behind a tree, and bag your Number Two so you can bin it the next day. Apply the Leave No Trace principle as you would when camping out in the wild.
Tous les hôtes ne vont pas forcément donner accès à leurs toilettes. Dans ce cas, trouvez une solution avant d’arriver chez l’hôte et repartez tôt le matin. La nuit, ce sera pipi nature ! Appliquez le principe de Leave No Trace, comme si vous campiez en pleine nature. -
And if there is a toilet, how do we guarantee Covid-19 doesn’t get transmitted?
And if there is a toilet, how do we guarantee Covid-19 doesn’t get transmitted?
Et s’il y a des toilettes, comment garantir que le Covid-19 ne soit pas transmis ? -
Please bring hand sanitizer and wet wipes so you can clean your hands and any surfaces you’ve touched, such as the toilet seat, flush button, tap and door handle. You can also wear a mask if you need to enter your host’s house for facilities. This way you help guarantee that Covid-19 does not get transmitted, in case you or any of the other users of the bathroom happen to carry it. Of course, if you know you might be sick don’t go in the first place!
Please bring hand sanitizer and wet wipes so you can clean your hands and any surfaces you’ve touched, such as the toilet seat, flush button, tap and door handle. You can also wear a mask if you need to enter your host’s house for facilities. This way you help guarantee that Covid-19 does not get transmitted, in case you or any of the other users of the bathroom happen to carry it. Of course, if you know you might be sick don’t go in the first place!
Apportez du désinfectant et des lingettes humides afin de pouvoir vous laver les mains et nettoyer toutes les surfaces que vous aurez touchées, comme le siège des toilettes, la chasse d'eau, le robinet,... Portez également un masque si vous entrez dans la maison. De cette manière, vous contribuez à ne pas transmettre le Covid-19. Si vous avez des signes de maladie, n’allez pas camper ! -
Why is Welcome To My Garden limited to Belgium?
Why is Welcome To My Garden limited to Belgium?
Pourquoi Welcome To My Garden est-il limité à la Belgique pour l’instant ? -
Welcome To My Garden was set up by a small team of Belgium-based enthusiasts. For lots of practical reasons we will limit campgrounds on our maps to Belgium for now. Mainly, we want to keep it simple. However, we would love this project to go abroad. If you want to set up Welcome To My Garden in your country, do contact us. The source code of the website is freely available on GitHub!
Welcome To My Garden was set up by a small team of Belgium-based enthusiasts. For lots of practical reasons we will limit campgrounds on our maps to Belgium for now. Mainly, we want to keep it simple. However, we would love this project to go abroad. If you want to set up Welcome To My Garden in your country, do contact us. The source code of the website is freely available on GitHub!
Welcome To My Garden a été créé par une petite équipe de passionné.e.s vivant en Belgique. Pour des questions pratiques, nous limitons pour l’instant les jardins à la Belgique. Si vous souhaitez importer le concept dans votre pays, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter ! Le code de la plateforme est ouvert et disponible sur GitHub. -
Why is the facebook page only in English?
Why is the facebook page only in English?
Pourquoi est-ce que votre page facebook n’est qu’en anglais ? -
First of all, there is a very practical reason: English is the only language the entire team can communicate in fluently enough! We also want WTMG to be open to everyone, so that people in other countries can implement the initiative in their country too. On the facebook page we will stick to English. If you feel more comfortable writing in Dutch or French please do!
First of all, there is a very practical reason: English is the only language the entire team can communicate in fluently enough! We also want WTMG to be open to everyone, so that people in other countries can implement the initiative in their country too. On the facebook page we will stick to English. If you feel more comfortable writing in Dutch or French please do!
La première raison est toute simple : l’anglais est la seule langue commune de notre équipe de bénévoles ! Nous souhaitons aussi ouvrir Welcome To my Garden au plus grand nombre et donc permettre à des personnes ne parlant ni français ni néerlandais de l’utiliser et, qui sait, de le répliquer dans leur propre pays. Nous continuerons à poster en anglais sur facebook, mais n’hésitez pas à nous écrire en néerlandais ou français ! -
How does Welcome To My Garden differ from other platforms such as Warmshowers?
How does Welcome To My Garden differ from other platforms such as Warmshowers?
Comment est-ce que Welcome To My Garden diffère d’autres plateformes (p.ex : Warmshower)