WTMG website
Long distance biking trails in Flanders: LF network Flanders
Long distance biking trails in Flanders: LF network Flanders
Réseau de longue distance cycliste en Flandres : LF network Flanders -
Long distance hiking trails in Flanders and Wallonia: Grote Routepaden
Long distance hiking trails in Flanders and Wallonia: Grote Routepaden
Réseau de longue distance de randonnée en Flandres : Grote Routepaden -
Other accomodation services
Other accomodation services
D’autres recommandations pour se loger -
Hospitality network for cyclists: WarmShowers
Hospitality network for cyclists: WarmShowers
Réseau d’hospitalité pour cyclistes: WarmShowers -
More detailed information about all bivouac places: Bivakzone.be
More detailed information about all bivouac places: Bivakzone.be
More detailed information about all bivouac places: Bivakzone.be -
Enjoy! -
Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions
Questions fréquentes -
What is Welcome To My Garden?
What is Welcome To My Garden?
Welcome To My Garden, c’est quoi ? -
Welcome To My Garden is a network of citizens opening up their gardens to slow travellers in need of a camping spot. It's a not-for-profit initiative set up by a group of citizens.
Welcome To My Garden is a network of citizens opening up their gardens to slow travellers in need of a camping spot. It's a not-for-profit initiative set up by a group of citizens.
Welcome To My Garden est un réseau de citoyen.ne.s offrant leur jardin comme un espace de bivouac gratuit pour les voyageurs et voyageuses adeptes du slow travel. Cette initiative citoyenne sans but lucratif est composée de bénévoles amateurs et amatrices de randonnées ou de cyclotourisme. -
Who is Welcome To My Garden for?
Who is Welcome To My Garden for?
Pour qui est Welcome To My Garden ? -
Welcome To My Garden has been created for hikers and cyclists who need a camping spot on their trail at the end of the day. It isn’t meant to replace fully-fledged campsites; just a safe spot for the night! Consider it an addition to Belgium’s network of bivouacking sites.
Welcome To My Garden has been created for hikers and cyclists who need a camping spot on their trail at the end of the day. It isn’t meant to replace fully-fledged campsites; just a safe spot for the night! Consider it an addition to Belgium’s network of bivouacking sites.
Welcome To My Garden a été créé pour des randonneurs et cyclistes recherchant un endroit pour bivouaquer pour la nuit. L’initiative ne vise pas à remplacer des campings à part entière, simplement à offrir un endroit sécurisé pour la nuit ! Considérez-le comme une addition au réseau belge des sites de bivouac. -
How does Welcome To My Garden work?
How does Welcome To My Garden work?
Comment fonctionne Welcome To My Garden ? -
People who want to open up their garden to travellers can add their garden by filling out the form on the website (click the "Add your garden" button). People who want to stay at one of the campgrounds can then contact the garden owners to arrange their stay.
People who want to open up their garden to travellers can add their garden by filling out the form on the website (click the "Add your garden" button). People who want to stay at one of the campgrounds can then contact the garden owners to arrange their stay.
Vous pouvez ajouter directement votre jardin sur le site. Les voyageurs et voyageuses peuvent alors contacter les propriétaires directement sur le site pour organiser leur séjour. -
How do I get to my campground?
How do I get to my campground?
Comment accéder au bivouac ? -
Welcome To My Garden has been set up to meet the needs of slow travellers: hikers and cyclists who need a camping spot at the end of the day. For this reason you are supposed to arrive at your camping spot on foot or by bike, or by public transport – definitely not by car. Of course you can drive to the start of your trail – as long as you don’t turn up at your host’s in your car!
Welcome To My Garden has been set up to meet the needs of slow travellers: hikers and cyclists who need a camping spot at the end of the day. For this reason you are supposed to arrive at your camping spot on foot or by bike, or by public transport – definitely not by car. Of course you can drive to the start of your trail – as long as you don’t turn up at your host’s in your car!
Welcome To My Garden a été mis en place pour répondre aux besoins des voyageurs et voyageuses lent.e.s adeptes du slow travel, c’est à dire des randonneurs et cyclistes qui auraient besoin d’un endroit où poser leur tente pour la nuit. Nous vous demandons donc d’accéder au bivouac de cette manière et non pas par voiture. Vous pouvez bien sûr conduire jusqu’au début du sentier de randonnée, mais vous ne pouvez pas arriver directement chez votre hôte en voiture ! -
How does Welcome To My Garden guarantee my privacy as a host?
How does Welcome To My Garden guarantee my privacy as a host?
Comment Welcome To My Garden garantit la confidentialité des hôtes ? -
All your personal details are protected by the login system. If you are a host, we will not display your house number or exact location on the map. You can give this to your guests once you’re in touch with them. You decide how you want them to contact you: by email, by phone, or both.
All your personal details are protected by the login system. If you are a host, we will not display your house number or exact location on the map. You can give this to your guests once you’re in touch with them. You decide how you want them to contact you: by email, by phone, or both.
Toutes vos données personnelles sont protégées grâce au système d’identification mis en place. Si vous êtes un hôte, nous ne publierons pas le numéro de votre maison et les voyageurs ne pourront pas zoomer exactement sur votre habitation. Vous pourrez donner toutes ces informations aux voyageurs quand vous serez en contact avec eux. À vous de dire comment vous souhaitez communiquer avec eux. -
What facilities will you find in the garden?
What facilities will you find in the garden?
Quelles installations pourrez-vous trouver dans les jardins ? -
Basically hosts just offer a corner in their garden for you to pitch your tent on. In addition, they may offer access to drinking water, a toilet and electricity. They are not obliged to do so though: all of these are bonuses. Consider a garden as a bivouac spot; not a fully-fledged campsite.
Basically hosts just offer a corner in their garden for you to pitch your tent on. In addition, they may offer access to drinking water, a toilet and electricity. They are not obliged to do so though: all of these are bonuses. Consider a garden as a bivouac spot; not a fully-fledged campsite.
Les jardins mis à disposition sont des coins d’herbe pour poser votre tente. Selon le choix des propriétaires, vous pourriez également avoir accès - ou non - à de l'eau potable, aux sanitaires et à l'électricité. Ils ne sont toutefois pas obligés de le faire : c’est un bonus. Considérez les jardins comme des zones de bivouacs ; il ne s’agit en aucun cas d’espaces de campings à part entière.