WTMG website
House number
House number
Huisnummer -
Province or State
Province or State
Provincie of Staat -
Postal/ZIP Code
Postal/ZIP Code
Postcode -
Stad -
Land -
Describe your camping spot (required)
Describe your camping spot (required)
Beschrijf uw kampeerplaats (verplicht) -
A short description of your garden and the camping spot you can offer. This information is displayed publicly, so don't include any personal details here. <br />Your description must be between 20 and 300 characters.
A short description of your garden and the camping spot you can offer. This information is displayed publicly, so don't include any personal details here.
<br />
Your description must be between 20 and 300 characters.Een korte beschrijving van uw tuin en de kampeerplek die u kunt aanbieden. Deze informatie wordt in het openbaar weergegeven, dus vermeld hier geen persoonlijke gegevens.<br />
Uw beschrijving moet tussen 20 en 300 karakters zijn. -
{remaining} more {remaining, plural, one {character} other {characters}} required...
{remaining} more {remaining, plural, one {character} other {characters}} required...
{remaining} nog {remaining, plural, one {karakter} other {karakters}} nodig... -
{surplus} {surplus, plural, one {character} other {characters}} too long...
{surplus} {surplus, plural, one {character} other {characters}} too long...
{surplus} {surplus, plural, one {karakter} other {karakters}} te lang... -
Enter description...
Enter description...
Voer de beschrijving in... -
Beschrijving -
Voorzieningen -
What kind of facilities do travellers have access to?
What kind of facilities do travellers have access to?
Tot welke voorzieningen hebben reizigers toegang? -
Capacity (required)
Capacity (required)
Capaciteit (vereist) -
How many tents do you have space for (estimation)
How many tents do you have space for (estimation)
Hoeveel tenten heeft u ruimte voor (schatting) -
Foto -
Show people what your garden looks like.<br />Make sure that the picture only shows the camping spot and doesn't include your neighbour's home.
Show people what your garden looks like.
<br />
Make sure that the picture only shows the camping spot and doesn't include your neighbour's home.Laat de mensen zien hoe uw tuin eruit ziet.<br />
Zorg ervoor dat de foto alleen de kampeerplek laat zien en niet het huis van uw buurman. -
Your garden
Your garden
Uw tuin -
Your photo must be a JPEG, PNG, or TIFF file.
Your photo must be a JPEG, PNG, or TIFF file.
Uw foto moet een JPEG-, PNG- of TIFF-bestand zijn. -
Your image is too large. An image's file size should be 5MB or smaller.
Your image is too large. An image's file size should be 5MB or smaller.
Je foto is te groot. De bestandsgrootte van een foto moet 5MB of kleiner zijn.