Synonyms (variants): %s
Synonyms (variants): %s
Sinonime (variante): %s -
Chat Etiquette
Chat Etiquette
Eticheta Chat-ului -
Our site would like to keep its community friendly and fun, so please adhere to the following guidelines. If you fail to observe these rules, one of our chat moderators may boot you from the chat.<br /><br />Thank you,
Our site would like to keep its community friendly and fun, so please adhere to the following guidelines. If you fail to observe these rules, one of our chat moderators may boot you from the chat.
<br /><br />
Thank you,Site-ul nostru doreşte să păstreze o ambianţă plăcută şi prietenoasă, aşa că vă rugăm să aderaţi la următoarele reguli. Pentru nerespectarea acestor reguli, unul dintre moderatori ar putea să vă elimine din chat.<br /><br />
Mulţumim, -
Our Chat Etiquette Guidelines
Our Chat Etiquette Guidelines
Regulile Etichetei acestui Chat -
<li>Do not "spam" the chat by typing nonsense or random letters.</li> <li>Do not use aLtErnAtiNg characters.</li> <li>Keep ALL CAPS use to a minimum, as it is considered yelling.</li> <li>Keep in mind that our chat users are from all over the world, and, most likely, you will encounter people of different beliefs. Please be kind and polite to these people.</li> <li>Do not direct profanity towards other members. In fact, try to steer clear of using profanity and/or swear words altogether.</li> <li>Do not call other members by their real names that they may not appreciate. Use their nicknames instead.</li>
Do not "spam" the chat by typing nonsense or random letters.</li>
Do not use aLtErnAtiNg characters.</li>
Keep ALL CAPS use to a minimum, as it is considered yelling.</li>
Keep in mind that our chat users are from all over the world, and, most likely, you will encounter people of different beliefs. Please be kind and polite to these people.</li>
Do not direct profanity towards other members. In fact, try to steer clear of using profanity and/or swear words altogether.</li>
Do not call other members by their real names that they may not appreciate. Use their nicknames instead.</li>
Nu faceţi "spam" pe chat postând non-sensuri sau litere alandala.</li>
Nu folosiţi caractere aLtErnAnte.</li>
Folosiţi MAJUSCULELE la minimum, întrucât se consideră că ţipaţi.</li>
Ţineţi cont că utilizatorii noştri pot fi de oriunde în lume, şi, mai mult ca sigur, veţi întâlni persoane cu concepţii/credinţe/idei diferite. Vă rugăm să fiţi politicos şi respectuos cu aceste persoane.</li>
Nu adresaţi insulte altor utilizatori. De fapt, este interzis să folosiţi injurii şi insulte.</li>
Nu vă adresaţi celorlalţi utilizatori pe numele lor reale, chiar dacă îi cunoaşteţi personal. Mulţi utilizatori nu apreciază folosirea identităţii reale pe chat-uri. Folosiţi în schimb poreclele acestora (nicknames).</li>
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