Skinport GmbH/Skinport Extension
Verify trade partner
Verify trade partner
Tjek handelstilbudTraduction parent en en - English :Verify trade partner
This feature checks if a trade partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.
This feature checks if a trade partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.
Denne funktion tjekker, om en handelspartner på Steam er en officiel Skinport bot, for at bekræfte dets ægthed.Traduction parent en en - English :This feature checks if a trade partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.
Potential Skinport phishing site ahead
Potential Skinport phishing site ahead
Potentiel Skinport phishing-side forudeTraduction parent en en - English :Potential Skinport phishing site ahead
Skinport extension has blocked access to <strong>{{blockedHost}}</strong>, because it potentially pretends to be Skinport and may trick you into doing something dangerous like revealing your Steam information such as email, password and Steam Web API key.
Skinport extension has blocked access to
, because it potentially pretends to be Skinport and may trick you into doing something dangerous like revealing your Steam information such as email, password and Steam Web API key.Skinport-udvidelsen har blokeret adgang tilTraduction parent en en - English :<strong>
, fordi den potentielt udgiver sig for at være Skinport og måske kan narre dig til at gøre noget farligt, som at afsløre dine Steam-informationer såsom email, adgangskode og Steam Web API nøgle.Skinport extension has blocked access to
, because it potentially pretends to be Skinport and may trick you into doing something dangerous like revealing your Steam information such as email, password and Steam Web API key. -
Please make sure to only visit our official website <skinportLink></skinportLink>
Please make sure to only visit our official website
Sørg for kun at besøge vores officielle hjemmesideTraduction parent en en - English :<skinportLink></skinportLink>
Please make sure to only visit our official website
Go to
Go to
Gå til Skinport.comTraduction parent en en - English :Go to
If you understand the risks to your security, visit this <potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>potentially unsafe site</potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>.
If you understand the risks to your security, visit this
potentially unsafe site</potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>
.Hvis du forstår risikoen for din sikkerhed, besøg detteTraduction parent en en - English :<potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>
potentielt usikre site</potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>
.If you understand the risks to your security, visit this
potentially unsafe site</potentiallyUnsafeSiteLink>
. -
Permissions required
Permissions required
Krævede tilladelserTraduction parent en en - English :Permissions required
Skinport Plus requires permissions in order to work and fully secure your trading experience.
Skinport Plus requires permissions in order to work and fully secure your trading experience.
Skinport Plus kræver tilladelser for at fungere og sikre din handelsoplevelse fuldt ud.Traduction parent en en - English :Skinport Plus requires permissions in order to work and fully secure your trading experience.
Protecting your privacy is very important to us, therefore Skinport Plus doesn't and will never collect any personal information or read your browser activity.
Protecting your privacy is very important to us, therefore Skinport Plus doesn't and will never collect any personal information or read your browser activity.
At beskytte din privatliv er meget vigtigt for os, derfor vil Skinport Plus aldrig indsamle personlige oplysninger eller læse din browseraktivitet.Traduction parent en en - English :Protecting your privacy is very important to us, therefore Skinport Plus doesn't and will never collect any personal information or read your browser activity.
Grant permissions
Grant permissions
Giv tilladelserTraduction parent en en - English :Grant permissions
View screenshot
View screenshot
Se skærmbilledeTraduction parent en en - English :View screenshot
Starting at
Starting at
Starter vedTraduction parent en en - English :Starting at
Buy on <skinportLogo />
Buy on
<skinportLogo />
Køb påTraduction parent en en - English :<skinportLogo />
Buy on
<skinportLogo />
Sell on <skinportLogo />
Sell on
<skinportLogo />
Sælg påTraduction parent en en - English :<skinportLogo />
Sell on
<skinportLogo />
An error has occurred
An error has occurred
En fejl er opståetTraduction parent en en - English :An error has occurred
Something went wrong while verifying the trade partner. Please try again later or continue with caution.
Something went wrong while verifying the trade partner. Please try again later or continue with caution.
Noget gik galt, mens vi verificerede handelspartneren. Prøv igen senere eller fortsæt med forsigtighed.Traduction parent en en - English :Something went wrong while verifying the trade partner. Please try again later or continue with caution.
This is a verified Skinport bot
This is a verified Skinport bot
Dette er en verificeret Skinport-botTraduction parent en en - English :This is a verified Skinport bot
Suggested price
Suggested price
Foreslået prisTraduction parent en en - English :Suggested price
Pricing by <skinportPlusLogo />
Pricing by
<skinportPlusLogo />
Prisfastsættelse afTraduction parent en en - English :<skinportPlusLogo />
Pricing by
<skinportPlusLogo />