Skinport GmbH/Skinport Extension
What is a Steam Web API Key?
What is a Steam Web API Key?
Wat is een Steam Web API-sleutel?Traduction parent en en - English :What is a Steam Web API Key?
Using your API key on trading websites is unnecessary and poses significant risks. Intended primarily for developers, misuse of your API key is akin to exposing your login credentials. Such actions can lead to phishing attacks and might result in your Steam account being compromised or banned, in violation of the <0>Steam Web API Terms of Use</0>.
Using your API key on trading websites is unnecessary and poses significant risks. Intended primarily for developers, misuse of your API key is akin to exposing your login credentials. Such actions can lead to phishing attacks and might result in your Steam account being compromised or banned, in violation of the
Steam Web API Terms of Use</0>
.Het gebruik van je API-sleutel op handelswebsites is onnodig en brengt aanzienlijke risico's met zich mee. Voornamelijk bedoeld voor ontwikkelaars, is misbruik van je API-sleutel vergelijkbaar met het blootstellen van je inloggegevens. Dergelijke acties kunnen leiden tot phishing-aanvallen en kunnen resulteren in het feit dat je Steam account wordt gehackt of verbannen, in strijd met deTraduction parent en en - English :<0>
Steam Web API Gebruiksvoorwaarden</0>
.Using your API key on trading websites is unnecessary and poses significant risks. Intended primarily for developers, misuse of your API key is akin to exposing your login credentials. Such actions can lead to phishing attacks and might result in your Steam account being compromised or banned, in violation of the
Steam Web API Terms of Use</0>
. -
Could someone be attempting to scam you?
Could someone be attempting to scam you?
Probeert iemand je misschien op te lichten?Traduction parent en en - English :Could someone be attempting to scam you?
This trade offer does not appear to be from Skinport, and we couldn't verify the trade partner.
This trade offer does not appear to be from Skinport, and we couldn't verify the trade partner.
Deze ruil aanbieding lijkt niet van Skinport te zijn en we konden de handelspartner niet verifiëren.Traduction parent en en - English :This trade offer does not appear to be from Skinport, and we couldn't verify the trade partner.
We advise you to only continue if you trust the trade partner. You will not be able to get your items back.
We advise you to only continue if you trust the trade partner. You will not be able to get your items back.
We raden je aan om alleen door te gaan als je de handelspartner vertrouwt. Je zult je voorwerpen niet terug kunnen krijgen.Traduction parent en en - English :We advise you to only continue if you trust the trade partner. You will not be able to get your items back.
Continue trade
Continue trade
Ga door met de handelTraduction parent en en - English :Continue trade
Read safety guide
Read safety guide
Lees de veiligheidsgidsTraduction parent en en - English :Read safety guide
You're trading with Skinport
You're trading with Skinport
Je handelt met SkinportTraduction parent en en - English :You're trading with Skinport
This trade offer is officially from Skinport, and the trade partner is a verified Skinport bot.
This trade offer is officially from Skinport, and the trade partner is a verified Skinport bot.
Dit handelsaanbod is officieel van Skinport, en de handelspartner is een geverifieerde Skinport bot.Traduction parent en en - English :This trade offer is officially from Skinport, and the trade partner is a verified Skinport bot.
Security provided by Skinport Plus
Security provided by Skinport Plus
Beveiliging geboden door Skinport PlusTraduction parent en en - English :Security provided by Skinport Plus
SluitenTraduction parent en en - English :Close
View on <skinportLogo />
View on
<skinportLogo />
Bekijk opTraduction parent en en - English :<skinportLogo />
View on
<skinportLogo />
InstellingenTraduction parent en en - English :Settings
Check for Steam account security vulnerabilities
Check for Steam account security vulnerabilities
Controleer op beveiligingskwetsbaarheden in je Steam-accountTraduction parent en en - English :Check for Steam account security vulnerabilities
This feature detects exposed Steam Web API Keys on your account, a common target in phishing attacks to control your account and steal inventories.
This feature detects exposed Steam Web API Keys on your account, a common target in phishing attacks to control your account and steal inventories.
Deze functie detecteert blootgestelde Steam Web API-sleutels op je account, een veelvoorkomend doelwit in phishing-aanvallen om je account te beheersen en inventarissen te stelen.Traduction parent en en - English :This feature detects exposed Steam Web API Keys on your account, a common target in phishing attacks to control your account and steal inventories.
Verify trade partner
Verify trade partner
Controleer HandelsaanbiedingenTraduction parent en en - English :Verify trade partner
This feature checks if a trade partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.
This feature checks if a trade partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.
Deze functie controleert of een handelspartner op Steam een officiële Skinport bot is om de echtheid te bevestigen.Traduction parent en en - English :This feature checks if a trade partner on Steam is an official Skinport bot to confirm its authenticity.
Potential Skinport phishing site ahead
Potential Skinport phishing site ahead
Mogelijke Skinport phishing site vooruitTraduction parent en en - English :Potential Skinport phishing site ahead
Skinport extension has blocked access to <strong>{{blockedHost}}</strong>, because it potentially pretends to be Skinport and may trick you into doing something dangerous like revealing your Steam information such as email, password and Steam Web API key.
Skinport extension has blocked access to
, because it potentially pretends to be Skinport and may trick you into doing something dangerous like revealing your Steam information such as email, password and Steam Web API key.De Skinport extensie heeft de toegang totTraduction parent en en - English :<strong>
geblokkeerd, omdat het mogelijk doet alsof het Skinport is en je kan misleiden tot het doen van iets gevaarlijks zoals het onthullen van je Steam informatie zoals e-mail, wachtwoord en Steam Web API sleutel.Skinport extension has blocked access to
, because it potentially pretends to be Skinport and may trick you into doing something dangerous like revealing your Steam information such as email, password and Steam Web API key. -
Please make sure to only visit our official website <skinportLink></skinportLink>
Please make sure to only visit our official website
Zorg ervoor dat je alleen onze officiële websiteTraduction parent en en - English :<skinportLink></skinportLink>
bezoektPlease make sure to only visit our official website