Skinport GmbH/Skinport Extension
Skinport Plus
Skinport Plus
Skinport PlusTraduction parent en en - English :Skinport Plus
A short description of the extension, intended for display in the browser's user interface. In Firefox and Chrome this value can be up to 132 characters.
Enhance your online trading experience on Skinport and Steam with Skinport Plus.Enhance your online trading experience on Skinport and Steam with Skinport Plus.
使用Skinport Plus,提升你在Skinport和Steam上的在线交易体验。Traduction parent en en - English :Enhance your online trading experience on Skinport and Steam with Skinport Plus.
Official <skinportLogo /> website
<skinportLogo />
website官方Traduction parent en en - English :<skinportLogo />
<skinportLogo />
website -
Security vulnerabilities detected on your Steam account
Security vulnerabilities detected on your Steam account
在你的Steam账户上检测到安全漏洞Traduction parent en en - English :Security vulnerabilities detected on your Steam account
检查Traduction parent en en - English :Review
Steam Web API Key Exposed
Steam Web API Key Exposed
Steam Web API 密钥已泄露Traduction parent en en - English :Steam Web API Key Exposed
A Steam Web API Key has been detected on your account. This key could be exploited by malicious actors to control your account and inventory, including accepting or declining trade offers. Such keys are frequently used in phishing attacks to steal inventory.
A Steam Web API Key has been detected on your account. This key could be exploited by malicious actors to control your account and inventory, including accepting or declining trade offers. Such keys are frequently used in phishing attacks to steal inventory.
在您的帐户上检测到了Steam Web API密钥。恶意行动者可能会利用这个密钥来控制您的帐户和库存,包括接受或拒绝交易提议。这种密钥常常在网络钓鱼攻击中被用来盗取库存。Traduction parent en en - English :A Steam Web API Key has been detected on your account. This key could be exploited by malicious actors to control your account and inventory, including accepting or declining trade offers. Such keys are frequently used in phishing attacks to steal inventory.
If you have not registered a Steam Web API Key yourself, please deauthorize all devices immediately as a precaution.
If you have not registered a Steam Web API Key yourself, please deauthorize all devices immediately as a precaution.
如果你没有自己注册Steam Web API Key,请立即作为预防措施撤销所有设备的授权。Traduction parent en en - English :If you have not registered a Steam Web API Key yourself, please deauthorize all devices immediately as a precaution.
Next, ensure to revoke the Steam Web API Key.
Next, ensure to revoke the Steam Web API Key.
接下来,请确保撤销Steam Web API密钥。Traduction parent en en - English :Next, ensure to revoke the Steam Web API Key.
Additionally, we recommend changing your password. If attackers have accessed your Steam Web API Key, they might also know your Steam password. If this password is used elsewhere, it is crucial to change it on other sites too.
Additionally, we recommend changing your password. If attackers have accessed your Steam Web API Key, they might also know your Steam password. If this password is used elsewhere, it is crucial to change it on other sites too.
此外,我们建议您更改密码。如果攻击者已经访问了您的Steam Web API密钥,他们可能也知道您的Steam密码。如果这个密码在其他地方也被使用,那么在其他网站上更改它就至关重要了。Traduction parent en en - English :Additionally, we recommend changing your password. If attackers have accessed your Steam Web API Key, they might also know your Steam password. If this password is used elsewhere, it is crucial to change it on other sites too.
Revoke Steam Web API Key
Revoke Steam Web API Key
撤销Steam网页API密钥Traduction parent en en - English :Revoke Steam Web API Key
Change password
Change password
更改密码Traduction parent en en - English :Change password
Deauthorize all devices
Deauthorize all devices
取消授权所有设备Traduction parent en en - English :Deauthorize all devices
What is a Steam Web API Key?
What is a Steam Web API Key?
什么是Steam Web API密钥?Traduction parent en en - English :What is a Steam Web API Key?
Using your API key on trading websites is unnecessary and poses significant risks. Intended primarily for developers, misuse of your API key is akin to exposing your login credentials. Such actions can lead to phishing attacks and might result in your Steam account being compromised or banned, in violation of the <0>Steam Web API Terms of Use</0>.
Using your API key on trading websites is unnecessary and poses significant risks. Intended primarily for developers, misuse of your API key is akin to exposing your login credentials. Such actions can lead to phishing attacks and might result in your Steam account being compromised or banned, in violation of the
Steam Web API Terms of Use</0>
.在交易网站上使用你的API密钥是不必要的,而且带有显著的风险。这主要是为开发者准备的,误用你的API密钥就像是暴露你的登录凭证一样。这样的行为可能导致网络钓鱼攻击,可能导致你的Steam账户被侵犯或禁止,违反了Traduction parent en en - English :<0>
Steam Web API使用条款</0>
。Using your API key on trading websites is unnecessary and poses significant risks. Intended primarily for developers, misuse of your API key is akin to exposing your login credentials. Such actions can lead to phishing attacks and might result in your Steam account being compromised or banned, in violation of the
Steam Web API Terms of Use</0>
. -
Could someone be attempting to scam you?
Could someone be attempting to scam you?
有人试图骗你吗?Traduction parent en en - English :Could someone be attempting to scam you?
This trade offer does not appear to be from Skinport, and we couldn't verify the trade partner.
This trade offer does not appear to be from Skinport, and we couldn't verify the trade partner.
这个交易提议似乎不是来自Skinport,我们无法验证交易伙伴。Traduction parent en en - English :This trade offer does not appear to be from Skinport, and we couldn't verify the trade partner.
We advise you to only continue if you trust the trade partner. You will not be able to get your items back.
We advise you to only continue if you trust the trade partner. You will not be able to get your items back.
我们建议你只在信任交易伙伴的情况下继续。你将无法取回你的物品。Traduction parent en en - English :We advise you to only continue if you trust the trade partner. You will not be able to get your items back.
Continue trade
Continue trade
继续交易Traduction parent en en - English :Continue trade
Name of the extension. This is used to identify the extension in the browser's user interface and on sites like Chrome and Edge restrict the name length to 45 characters.