IgorPT/Akeeba Subs - Part I - Portuguese, Portugal
Address (continued)
Address (continued)
Morada (continuação) -
Cidade -
Estado -
ZIP / Postal Code
ZIP / Postal Code
Código Postal -
País -
Register as business?
Register as business?
Registar-se como Empresa? -
Actividade -
VAT is VIES registered?
VAT is VIES registered?
Número de contribuinte é registado VIES? -
Basic Information
Basic Information
Informação Básica -
Business Information
Business Information
Informação da Empresa -
Allow collection of personal information and business registrations
Allow collection of personal information and business registrations
Permitir a recolha de informações pessoais e registos de empresas -
All Levels (Awesome layout)
All Levels (Awesome layout)
Todos os Níveis (Layout fantástico) -
Displays a list of all available subscription levels in Awesome layout mode
Displays a list of all available subscription levels in Awesome layout mode
Exibe uma lista de todos os níveis de subscrição disponíveis no modo do Layout fantástico -
Average day (this month)
Average day (this month)
Média do dia (este mês) -
Projection for this month
Projection for this month
Projecção para este Mês -
Are you sure you want to delete the selected subscriptions? This action can not be undone!
Are you sure you want to delete the selected subscriptions? This action can not be undone!
Are you sure you want to delete the selected subscriptions? This action can not be undone! -
Are you sure you want to delete the selected Subscription Levels? This action can not be undone!
Are you sure you want to delete the selected Subscription Levels? This action can not be undone!
Are you sure you want to delete the selected Subscription Levels? This action can not be undone! -
First expiration notification (days)
First expiration notification (days)
Primeira notificação de expiração (dias) -
Second expiration notification (days)
Second expiration notification (days)
Segunda notificação de expiração (dias) -
Back-end Display
Back-end Display
Vista do Back-end
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