Late Payment Fee
Late Payment Fee
Càrrec per pagament tardà -
Late Payment Fees
Late Payment Fees
Càrrecs per retard en el pagament -
New Late Payment Fee
New Late Payment Fee
Nou càrrec per pagament endarrerit -
is checked
is checked
està verificat -
is not checked
is not checked
no està marcat -
does not contain
does not contain
no conté -
If paid within
If paid within
Si es paga dins de -
Custom income account
Custom income account
Compte d'ingressos personalitzat -
Custom expense account
Custom expense account
Compte de despeses personalitzat -
Hide due dateHide due dateAmaga la data de venciment
Employee Summary
Employee Summary
Resum de l'empleat -
New Report Transformation
New Report Transformation
Nova Transformació de l'Informe -
Report Transformations
Report Transformations
Transformacions d'informe -
Report Transformation
Report Transformation
Transformació de l'informe -
Exclude inventory items with no movement
Exclude inventory items with no movement
Excloure elements d'inventari sense moviment -
Show totals for the period
Show totals for the period
Mostra els totals del període -
Customer Summary
Customer Summary
Resum de client -
Supplier Summary
Supplier Summary
Resum de Proveïdors -
SMTP credentials
SMTP credentials
Credencials SMTP -
SMTP server
SMTP server
Servidor SMTP
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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