Proslijedi -
Corrupt Database
Corrupt Database
Oštećena baza podataka -
À vérifier
Label for column showing converted balance for foreign currency account / amount.
Pièce jointe :Converted balanceConverted balance
Konvertirani saldo -
À vérifier
This is label for "Reset" button. Reset button allows to empty contents of the form.
Pièce jointe :ResetReset
Ponovno postavi -
Also acts as goods receipt
Also acts as goods receipt
Također djeluje kao prijem robe -
Also acts as delivery note
Also acts as delivery note
Također djeluje kao dostavnica -
Inventory Automatic Revaluation
Inventory Automatic Revaluation
Automatska revizija inventara -
À vérifier
Name of column. This appears when using "Advanced Queries" and "Group by..." function together.
Pièce jointe :CountCount
Broj -
Čatbot -
Batch Recode
Batch Recode
Grupno ponovno kodiranje -
HTTP Server
HTTP Server
HTTP poslužitelj -
Reply to
Reply to
Odgovori na -
Disconnect from Bank Feed Provider
Disconnect from Bank Feed Provider
Prekini vezu s pružateljem bankovne veze -
Connect to Bank Feed Provider
Connect to Bank Feed Provider
Poveži se s pružateljem bankovnih podataka -
New Bank Feed Provider
New Bank Feed Provider
Novi pružatelj bankovnog feeda -
Bank Feed Provider
Bank Feed Provider
Bankovni pružatelj feeda -
Bank Feed Providers
Bank Feed Providers
Bankovni pružatelji feedova -
No New Transactions
No New Transactions
Nema novih transakcija -
Check for New Transactions
Check for New Transactions
Provjeri nove transakcije -
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