Qty delivered
Qty delivered
Jumlah dikirim -
Qty received
Qty received
Jumlah diterima -
Qty on order
Qty on order
Jumlah sesuai pesanan -
Qty to be available
Qty to be available
Jumlah yang akan diterima -
Qty available
Qty available
Jumlah tersedia -
Qty to order
Qty to order
Jumlah untuk dipesan -
Reorder point
Reorder point
Titik Pemesanan Ulang -
Qty desired
Qty desired
Jumlah yang diinginkan -
Manual -
Cost of goods sold
Cost of goods sold
Harga pokok penjualan -
New Access Token
New Access Token
Buat Token Akses Baru -
Access Token
Access Token
Token Akses -
Access Tokens
Access Tokens
Token Akses -
Reseller -
Pengembang -
Masuk sebagai -
is exactly
is exactly
tepat pada -
Terkirim -
Your account is secured using multi-factor authentication. To login, view your multi-factor authentication device and enter the authentication code above.
Your account is secured using multi-factor authentication. To login, view your multi-factor authentication device and enter the authentication code above.
Akun Anda diamankan menggunakan autentikasi multi-faktor. Untuk masuk, lihat perangkat autentikasi multi-faktor Anda dan masukkan kode autentikasi di atas. -
Multi-factor authentication has been enforced by administrator to enhance the security of your account. As part of this security measure, you are required to set up multi-factor authentication by scanning the QR code below with your multi-factor authentication app and entering the displayed authentication code on your device below.
Multi-factor authentication has been enforced by administrator to enhance the security of your account. As part of this security measure, you are required to set up multi-factor authentication by scanning the QR code below with your multi-factor authentication app and entering the displayed authentication code on your device below.
Otentikasi multi-faktor telah diterapkan oleh administrator untuk meningkatkan keamanan akun Anda. Sebagai bagian dari tindakan keamanan ini, Anda diharuskan menyiapkan autentikasi multi-faktor dengan memindai kode QR di bawah ini menggunakan aplikasi autentikasi multi-faktor dan memasukkan kode autentikasi yang ditampilkan pada perangkat Anda di bawah.
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