New Payslip
New Payslip
Nýr launaseðill -
New Intangible Asset
New Intangible Asset
Ný óefnisleg eign -
Uncategorized transactions
Uncategorized transactions
Óflokkaðar færslur -
Find & recode
Find & recode
Finna og breyta -
Do not recode
Do not recode
Ekki breyta -
This summary is set to show balance sheet as at {1} and profit and loss statement for the period from {0} to {1}.
This summary is set to show balance sheet as at {1} and profit and loss statement for the period from {0} to {1}.
Samantekt er stillt á að sýna efnahagsreikning m.v. {1} og rekstrarreikning frá {0} til {1}. -
There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.
There are {0} transactions dated after {1} therefore they are not accounted for in this view.
Það eru {0} færslur dagsettar eftir {1} og eru því ekki með í þessu yfirliti. -
Recurring Payslip
Recurring Payslip
Endurtekinn launaseðill -
New Recurring Payslip
New Recurring Payslip
Nýr endurtekinn launaseðill -
Recurring Payslips
Recurring Payslips
Endurteknir launaseðlar -
Flutningskostnaður -
Send a copy of every email to this address
Send a copy of every email to this address
Senda afrit af öllum póstföngum á þetta heimilisfang -
Paper size
Paper size
Pappírsstærð -
Test email settings
Test email settings
Prófa tölvupóstsstillingar -
Test Message
Test Message
Prufuskilaboð -
Add non-inventory cost into production
Add non-inventory cost into production
Annað en birgðum bætt við framleiðslukostnað -
Qty on hand
Qty on hand
Magn til staðar -
Value on hand
Value on hand
Verðmæti til staðar -
Column name
Column name
Dálkheiti -
Average cost
Average cost
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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