Starfsmenn -
Intangible Assets
Intangible Assets
Óefnislegar eignir -
Expense claims
Expense claims
Útgjaldakröfur -
Billable time - invoiced
Billable time - invoiced
Útseldur tími, reikningsfært -
Fixed assets - depreciation
Fixed assets - depreciation
Rekstrarfjármunir - Afskriftir -
Fixed assets - loss on disposal
Fixed assets - loss on disposal
Tap af rekstrarfjármunum sem færðir út -
Inventory - cost
Inventory - cost
Birgðir, kostnaðarverð -
Inventory - sales
Inventory - sales
Birgðasala -
Billable time
Billable time
Útseldur tími -
Billable time - movement
Billable time - movement
Útseldar tími, hreyfingar -
Late payment fees
Late payment fees
Dráttarvextir -
Rounding expense
Rounding expense
Námundun kostnaðar -
Intangible assets - amortization
Intangible assets - amortization
Óefnislegar eignir, afskrift -
Intangible assets - loss on disposal
Intangible assets - loss on disposal
Tap af óefnislegum eignum sem færðar út -
Intangible assets, accumulated amortization
Intangible assets, accumulated amortization
Óefnislegar eignir, upps. afskrift -
Billable expenses
Billable expenses
Endurrukkaður kostnaður -
Cost adjustment to recover from negative inventory
Cost adjustment to recover from negative inventory
Aðlögun kostnaðar vegna neikvæðra birgða -
Launaseðill -
Supplier Statements
Supplier Statements
Yfirlit birgja -
Tax Transactions
Tax Transactions
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