Hashapass/Hashapass web
Command-line version of Hashapass
Bookmarklet for Firefox and Chrome
Mac OS X Widget
Section header for a short paragraph explaining where Hashapass passwords are stored.
Where are my passwords stored? -
This requires
<x id="START_LINK_1" />
openssl<x id="END_LINK" />
as well as<x id="START_LINK_2" />
GNU coreutils<x id="END_LINK" />
. -
How does it work?
Keep me posted about Hashapass
<x id="START_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_SPAN" />
Caution!<x id="END_SPAN" />
Most systems will keep a history of recently-typed commands. You probably do not want to use the above template directly, but rather inside of a shell script that will prompt you for your master password.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
Simon Elmir contributed just such a script:<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
You don’t have to store your generated passwords anywhere: just remember the master password and the parameter, and type them here.<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH" />
If you want to access your generated passwords even when you're not connected to the Internet, or in the rare event when this website isn't available, you can install the<x id="START_LINK_1" />
bookmarklet for Firefox and Chrome<x id="END_LINK" />
, the<x id="START_LINK_2" />
widget for Mac OS X<x id="END_LINK" />
or the<x id="START_LINK_3" />
gadget for Windows<x id="END_LINK" />
; you can also<x id="START_LINK_4" />
download the app for Android phones<x id="END_LINK" />
. They are compatible with this website (the same combination of master password and parameter will produce the same generated password).<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
Stay informed about Hashapass!
<x id="START_DIV" /><x id="IMAGE_1" /><x id="END_DIV" /><x id="START_H2" />
Gadget for Windows Vista Sidebar<x id="END_H2" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH_1" />
Get easy, safe offline access to Hashapass directly on your Windows Vista desktop by downloading our Gadget for Windows Vista Sidebar!<x id="END_PARAGRAPH" /><x id="START_PARAGRAPH_2" /><x id="START_LINK" /><x id="IMAGE_2" /><x id="END_LINK" /><x id="BREAK" /><x id="START_LINK" />
Download<x id="END_LINK" /><x id="BREAK" /><x id="BREAK" /><x id="BREAK" /><x id="START_SPAN" />
Microsoft Windows Vista or later is required.<x id="END_SPAN" /><x id="END_PARAGRAPH" />
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Header link to the bookmarklet for Firefox or Chrome.