WebTranslateIt Software SL/Redmine
must be accepted
must be accepted
s'ha d'acceptar -
can't be blank
can't be blank
no pot estar en blanc -
This relation would create a circular dependency
This relation would create a circular dependency
Aquesta relació crearia una dependència circular -
doesn't match confirmation
doesn't match confirmation
la confirmació no coincideix -
can't be empty
can't be empty
no pot estar buit -
must be equal to {{count}}
must be equal to {{count}}
ha de ser igual a {{count}} -
must be even
must be even
ha de ser parell -
is reserved
is reserved
està reservat -
must be greater than {{count}}
must be greater than {{count}}
ha de ser més gran que {{count}} -
must be greater than or equal to {{count}}
must be greater than or equal to {{count}}
ha de ser més gran o igual a {{count}} -
must be greater than start date
must be greater than start date
ha de ser superior que la data inicial -
is not included in the list
is not included in the list
no està inclòs a la llista -
is invalid
is invalid
no és vàlid
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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