WebTranslateIt Software SL/Redmine
Use Gravatar user icons
Use Gravatar user icons
Usa icone utente Gravatar -
Host name and path
Host name and path
Nome host -
Calculate the issue done ratio with
Calculate the issue done ratio with
Calculate the issue done ratio with -
Use the issue field
Use the issue field
Use the issue field -
Use the issue status
Use the issue status
Use the issue status -
Default columns displayed on the issue list
Default columns displayed on the issue list
Colonne predefinite mostrate nell'elenco segnalazioni -
Issues export limit
Issues export limit
Limite esportazione segnalazioni -
Authentication required
Authentication required
Autenticazione richiesta -
Emission email address
Emission email address
Indirizzo sorgente e-mail -
Enable WS for incoming emails
Enable WS for incoming emails
Abilita WS per le e-mail in arrivo -
API key
API key
Chiave API -
Truncate emails after one of these lines
Truncate emails after one of these lines
Truncate emails after one of these lines -
Role given to a non-admin user who creates a project
Role given to a non-admin user who creates a project
Ruolo assegnato agli utenti non amministratori che creano un progetto -
Allow OpenID login and registration
Allow OpenID login and registration
Accetta login e registrazione con OpenID -
Minimum password length
Minimum password length
Minima lunghezza password -
Objects per page options
Objects per page options
Opzioni oggetti per pagina -
Plain text mail (no HTML)
Plain text mail (no HTML)
Solo testo (non HTML) -
Protocollo -
Repositories encodings
Repositories encodings
Codifiche dei repository -
Maximum number of revisions displayed on file log
Maximum number of revisions displayed on file log
Numero massimo di revisioni elencate nella cronologia file
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