WebTranslateIt Software SL/Redmine
normală -
urgentă -
Manager -
Creator de rapoarte -
Defect -
Funcție -
Suport -
Activities (time tracking)
Activities (time tracking)
Activități (timp de lucru) -
Document categories
Document categories
Categorii documente -
Issue priorities
Issue priorities
Priorități tichete -
System Activity
System Activity
System Activity -
This project can not be archived
This project can not be archived
This project can not be archived -
An issue assigned to a closed version can not be reopened
An issue assigned to a closed version can not be reopened
An issue assigned to a closed version can not be reopened -
{"Default configuration could not be loaded" => {"{\"value\"=>nil}" => nil}}
{"Default configuration could not be loaded" => {"{\"value\"=>nil}" => nil}}
{"Nu s-a putut încărca configurația implicită" => {"{\"value\"=>nil}" => nil}} -
Issue done ratios not updated.
Issue done ratios not updated.
Issue done ratios not updated. -
The issue was not found or does not belong to this project
The issue was not found or does not belong to this project
Tichetul nu a fost găsit sau nu aparține acestui proiect -
No default issue status is defined. Please check your configuration (Go to "Administration -> Issue statuses").
No default issue status is defined. Please check your configuration (Go to "Administration -> Issue statuses").
Nu există un status implicit al tichetelor. Verificați vă rog configurația (Mergeți la "Administrare -> Stări tichete"). -
No tracker is associated to this project. Please check the Project settings.
No tracker is associated to this project. Please check the Project settings.
Nu există un tracker asociat cu proiectul. Verificați vă rog setările proiectului. -
The entry does not exist or can not be annotated.
The entry does not exist or can not be annotated.
Nu există sau nu poate fi adnotată. -
{"An error occurred when trying to access the repository" => {"{\"value\"=>nil}" => nil}}
{"An error occurred when trying to access the repository" => {"{\"value\"=>nil}" => nil}}
{"A intervenit o eroare la accesarea depozitului" => {"{\"value\"=>nil}" => nil}}
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
© 2009-2024 WebTranslateIt Software S.L. Tous droits réservés.
Termes d’utilisation
Politique de confidentialité
Politique de sécurité