WebTranslateIt Software SL/Redmine
Delete reported hours
Delete reported hours
Izbriši opravljene ure -
{{hours}} hours were reported on the issues you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?
{{hours}} hours were reported on the issues you are about to delete. What do you want to do ?
{{hours}} ur je bilo opravljenih na zahtevku, ki ga želite izbrisati. Kaj želite storiti? -
This diff was truncated because it exceeds the maximum size that can be displayed.
This diff was truncated because it exceeds the maximum size that can be displayed.
Ta sprememba je bila odsekana ker presega največjo velikost ki je lahko prikazana. -
Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled. Configure your SMTP server in config/email.yml and restart the application to enable them.
Email delivery is not configured, and notifications are disabled. Configure your SMTP server in config/email.yml and restart the application to enable them.
E-poštna dostava ni nastavljena in oznanila so onemogočena. Nastavite vaš SMTP strežnik v config/email.yml in ponovno zaženite aplikacijo da ga omogočite. -
Reassign them to this value:
Reassign them to this value:
Ponastavi jih na to vrednost: -
{{count}} objects are assigned to this value.
{{count}} objects are assigned to this value.
{{count}} objektov je določenih tej vrednosti. -
Attachments directory writable
Attachments directory writable
Omogočeno pisanje v shrambo datotek -
Issue {{id}} has been reported by {{author}}.
Issue {{id}} has been reported by {{author}}.
Zahtevek {{id}} je sporočil(a) {{author}}. -
Remove category assignments
Remove category assignments
Odstrani naloge v kategoriji -
Some issues ({{count}}) are assigned to this category. What do you want to do ?
Some issues ({{count}}) are assigned to this category. What do you want to do ?
Nekateri zahtevki ({{count}}) so dodeljeni tej kategoriji. Kaj želite storiti? -
Reassign issues to this category
Reassign issues to this category
Ponovno dodeli zahtevke tej kategoriji -
Issue {{id}} has been updated by {{author}}.
Issue {{id}} has been updated by {{author}}.
Zahtevek {{id}} je posodobil(a) {{author}}. -
Are you sure you want to delete the selected issue(s) ?
Are you sure you want to delete the selected issue(s) ?
Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati izbrani(e) zahtevek(ke)? -
Referencing and fixing issues in commit messages
Referencing and fixing issues in commit messages
Zahtevki sklicev in popravkov v sporočilu predaje -
{{label}} {{value}} added
{{label}} {{value}} added
{{label}} {{value}} added -
{{label}} changed from {{old}} to {{new}}
{{label}} changed from {{old}} to {{new}}
{{label}} changed from {{old}} to {{new}} -
{{label}} deleted ({{old}})
{{label}} deleted ({{old}})
{{label}} deleted ({{old}}) -
{{label}} set to {{value}}
{{label}} set to {{value}}
{{label}} set to {{value}} -
Length between {{min}} and {{max}} characters.
Length between {{min}} and {{max}} characters.
Dolžina med {{min}} in {{max}} znakov. -
Multiple values allowed (one line for each value).
Multiple values allowed (one line for each value).
Multiple values allowed (one line for each value).