
  1. You’re currently on the <strong>%{plan_name}</strong> plan at <strong>%{plan_price}</strong>€/month.
    You’re currently on the <strong>%{plan_name}</strong> plan at <strong>%{plan_price}</strong>€/month.

    Youre currently on the <strong>%{plan_name}</strong> plan at <strong>%{plan_price}</strong>/month.

    modifié par Edouard .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
    modifié par Edouard .
    Copier dans le presse-papier
  3. You’re currently on the <strong>%{plan_name}</strong> plan at <strong>%{plan_price}</strong>€/month.
    You’re currently on the <strong>%{plan_name}</strong> plan at <strong>%{plan_price}</strong>€/month.

    Youre currently on the <strong>%{plan_name}</strong> plan at <strong>%{plan_price}</strong>/month.

    modifié par Estelle .
    Copier dans le presse-papier