WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
This user is already a member as a manager.
This user is already a team member as a “%{language}” translator.
This user is already a team member as a “%{language}” language coordinator.
This user is already a team member as a client.
This user is already a team member as a manager.
This user is already invited as a “%{language}” translator to the team.
This user is already invited as a “%{language}” language coordinator to the team.
This user is already invited as a client to the team.
This user is already invited as a manager to the team.
You are about to subscribe to the %{plan_name} plan. A charge of %{plan_price}%{currency} (%{tax_rate}% VAT included) will be made now and every year.
You are about to subscribe to the %{plan_name} plan. A charge of %{plan_price}%{currency} (%{tax_rate}% VAT included) will be made now and every month.
zeroCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 0
No translations changed on %{url}
oneCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : 11 translation changed on %{url}
otherCette forme plurielle est utilisée pour les nombres comme : everything else%{count} translations changed on %{url}
Yearly subscription to the %{plan} plan
Monthly subscription to the %{plan} plan
This is a receipt for your WebTranslateIt subscription. No payment is due. If you have any questions, please contact us anytime at
<link href='mailto:finance@webtranslateit.com'>
. -
Regex Search is On. Click to run your search without regular expression matching.
Regex Search is Off. Click to run your search with regular expression matching.
Case Sensitivity is On. Click to run your search without case-sensitivity.
Case Sensitivity is Off. Click to run your search with case-sensitivity.
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