WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
Source language
Source language
Type the beginning of the language you want to add.
Type the beginning of the language you want to add.
Edit %{locale_name} language
Edit %{locale_name} language
Add the languages you want to translate this project into.
Add the languages you want to translate this project into.
Tip: Add %{locale_name} as a target language to amend your %{locale_name} copy from WebTranslateIt.
Tip: Add %{locale_name} as a target language to amend your %{locale_name} copy from WebTranslateIt.
Project Overview
Project Overview
There are a few more things to do before being able to work on your project.
There are a few more things to do before being able to work on your project.
Access global translation memory
Access global translation memory
Get suggestions from other projects that chose to contribute to the global translation memory.
Get suggestions from other projects that chose to contribute to the global translation memory.
Contribute to global translation memory
Contribute to global translation memory
The translations from your projects will be suggested to other projects. It helps making WebTranslateIt’s suggestions system better.
The translations from your projects will be suggested to other projects. It helps making WebTranslateIt’s suggestions system better.
Markdown is a kind of text formatting language, a bit like BB-code https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/
It can be formatted using Markdown.It can be formatted using Markdown.
Using dash (en-US)
Using dash (en-US)
Language format
Language format
Choose the language format to use to name files. Using a dash is recommended.
Choose the language format to use to name files. Using a dash is recommended.
Using underscore (en_US)
Using underscore (en_US)
Under which organization should we host this project?
Under which organization should we host this project?
Public projects are visible by anyone. Visitors can request invitations to contribute translations, and only accepted members will have translation rights.
Public projects are visible by anyone. Visitors can request invitations to contribute translations, and only accepted members will have translation rights.