WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
Translation API
Translation API
TermBase API
TermBase API
TermBase Translation API
TermBase Translation API
Discussion API
Discussion API
About Segments
About Segments
To Verify
To Verify
Plural Segments
Plural Segments
About Segments
About Segments
A segment (or string in developer’s parlance) is a piece of text extracted from a linguistic file. It has many translations.
A segment (or string in developer’s parlance) is a piece of text extracted from a linguistic file. It has many translations.
Segment Statuses
Segment Statuses
In WebTranslateIt segments have statuses. The status is represented by a color indicator to its right.
In WebTranslateIt segments have statuses. The status is represented by a color indicator to its right.
Plain Green
Plain Green
Dotted Orange
Dotted Orange
Dotted Red
Dotted Red
Double Yellow
Double Yellow
Solid Grey
Solid Grey
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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