WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
Show who made the last translation
Show who made the last translation
Displays who translated a translation last right under the translation box when editing a translation.
Displays who translated a translation last right under the translation box when editing a translation.
Total for %{url}/%{language} (%{code})
Total for %{url}/%{language} (%{code})
Total for %{user}
Total for %{user}
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Select all projects
Failed to create a new report.
Failed to create a new report.
We also have larger plans.
We also have larger plans.
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Back to our smaller plans.
This file updates periodically
This file updates periodically
TermBase of project %{project_name}
TermBase of project %{project_name}
Suggest a new translation
Suggest a new translation
In %{language_name}:
In %{language_name}:
Cast your vote
Cast your vote
Vote up if you find this translation suitable.
Vote up if you find this translation suitable.
Translations with a score over 0 will be listed as accepted.
Translations with a score over 0 will be listed as accepted.
Vote down if you don't find this translation suitable.
Vote down if you don't find this translation suitable.
Do you have a better translation for that term?
Do you have a better translation for that term?
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