WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
Управление командой
Управление командой
Advanced Team Management -
Next: read more about the management tools →
Next: read more about the translation tools →
Overview -
The File Manager is where you upload and download your language files. You can upload a file from your computer, or a file located online, on Github for example.
Пригласите всю вашу команду в Web Translate It. Все тарифные планы включают неограниченное количество пользователей.
Пригласите всю вашу команду в Web Translate It. Все тарифные планы включают неограниченное количество пользователей.
Invite collaborators and manage your translation teams on WebTranslateIt. Re-use these teams on all your different projects in a few clicks. All plans include unlimited users and languages. -
An activity feed lets you see the latest comments posted, the latest translations made and the latest files changed on your project.
Every time a segment is edited, we keep a history of the changes. The history page allows you to see everything that happened to a segment and this feature is incredibly useful to fix mistakes and to understand how to translate a segment again if the source text has changed.
Know exactly who made what, and when. This feature is really unique and doesn’t exist on any other translation tool.
If you are working with professional translators you will need detailed statistics about the work that was done. Our Reporting lets you see the amount of work for each team member. How many words were translated, how many words were reviewed or proofread.
Plural forms support
Some language file formats interpolate variables in the segments. When the variable is a number, translations must be made according to that number’s plurality. Plural rules are different from one language to another, so it can become very complicated.
For example, English only has 2 plural forms, but Russian and Polish have 4. Chinese doesn’t have any plural forms, but Arabic has 6! WebTranslateIt knows about plural forms of all languages, and you can customise plural rules to you needs too. It helps translators translate plural segments very easily.
Terminology Database
Copy consistency increases software quality. Every project on WebTranslateIt integrates a terminology database. The terminology database (or term base) is a glossary in which you can list your project’s vocabulary, decide of translations, and definition.
It is useful to keep your translations consistent throughout your project. For example, is it “sign in”, “sign-in”, “signin”, “log in”, “come in”, “login”? The term base helps you decide of which term you want to use and stick to it.
Интерфейс перевода
Интерфейс перевода
The Translation Interface -
Translation Memory
If your project is already partially translated, WebTranslateIt creates a translation memory for your own project, which is great to keep your translations consistent.
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