WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
Are you sure you want to delete this TermBase? There is no going back.
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TermBase deleted.
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TermBase updated.
Failed to update TermBase.
Segment saved.
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Your account %{organization_name} has reached the segment limit of its plan on WebTranslateIt 3 days ago.
You are currently using %{amount_strings} out of %{limit} segments.
We temporarily locked your account. Your projects aren’t accessible anymore. In order to access your projects again you can do the following:
* Uppgradera ditt konto till en plan med en högre stränggräns här: %{url}
* Uppgradera ditt konto till en plan med en högre stränggräns här: %{url}
* Upgrade your account to a plan with a higher segment limit here: %{url} -
* Eller arkivera eller ta bort de projekt du inte använder. Arkiverade projekt räknas inte mot din stränggräns.
* Eller arkivera eller ta bort de projekt du inte använder. Arkiverade projekt räknas inte mot din stränggräns.
* Or archive or delete the projects you don't use. Archived projects do not count against your segment limit. -
If you need help just reply to this e-mail.
Your account was locked because you reached your WebTranslateIt account's segment limit
Press this button if your translation is correct and the validation checker prevents you from saving it.
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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