WebTranslateIt Software SL/WebTranslateIt
Statistics -
Översätta strängar
Översätta strängar
Translating Segments -
Filhanteraren och API
Filhanteraren och API
File Manager -
Se hur projektet går i realtid
Se hur projektet går i realtid
Activity Feed -
Registrera nu för att prova gratis!
Registrera nu för att prova gratis!
Sign up now to the free trial! -
File Synchronization
Segment History -
Filters -
— Filter your segments by date, file, status, label, category, type of segment or by the last person who translated a segment. Combine them together to create your ultimate filter.
Search Engine -
— Search your segments by key, source text, target text or by regular expression.
Statistik och strängstatus.
Statistik och strängstatus.
Statistics -
— We generate statistics of your project for you, by number of segments, words and characters, so you can see at a glance what needs needs to be done.
Features: -
Hantera din grupp
Hantera din grupp
Advanced Team Management -
Next: read more about the management tools →
Next: read more about the translation tools →
Overview -
The File Manager is where you upload and download your language files. You can upload a file from your computer, or a file located online, on Github for example.
Bjud in hela din grupp till Web Translate It. Alla planer inkluderar obegränsat antal användare.
Bjud in hela din grupp till Web Translate It. Alla planer inkluderar obegränsat antal användare.
Invite collaborators and manage your translation teams on WebTranslateIt. Re-use these teams on all your different projects in a few clicks. All plans include unlimited users and languages.
© 2009-2024 WebTranslateIt Software S.L. Tous droits réservés.
Termes d’utilisation
Politique de confidentialité
Politique de sécurité