First Three, LLC/Viz
Restablecer -
Activado -
Desactivado -
Enable PIN security
Enable PIN security
Activar seguridad con PIN -
Set PIN access code
Set PIN access code
Selecciona el código PIN de acceso -
PIN will be required to use Viz
PIN will be required to use Viz
Se solicitará PIN para acceder a Viz -
No PIN is required
No PIN is required
No se solicitará PIN -
Enter new PIN
Enter new PIN
Escribe el nuevo PIN -
Confirm new PIN
Confirm new PIN
Confirma el nuevo PIN -
Enter PIN
Enter PIN
Escribe el PIN -
Eliminar -
Cancelar -
PIN enabled!
PIN enabled!
PIN activado! -
PIN was not confirmed!
PIN was not confirmed!
El PIN no se ha confirmado! -
Wrong PIN number.
Wrong PIN number.
Número de PIN erróneo. -
Use a third party video player instead of the built-in video player
to play videosUse other video playerUse other video player
Utiliza otro reproductor de vídeo -
Playback options
Playback options
Reanudación automática -
Resume playback without prompting
Resume playback without prompting
Reanudar la reproducción sin preguntar -
Prompt before each resume
Prompt before each resume
Preguntar antes de cada reanudación -
[@string/download_quality_low_preference, @string/download_quality_high_preference]
[@string/download_quality_low_preference, @string/download_quality_high_preference]
[@string/download_quality_low_preference, @string/download_quality_high_preference]
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