First Three, LLC/Viz
Welcome to Viz!
Welcome to Viz!
Viz를 사용해 주셔서 고맙습니다! -
To download videos, select on one of the supported sites. Select the video you would like to download. After the download is complete, a thumbnail will appear in the Play tab where the video can be played or removed.
To download videos, select on one of the supported sites. Select the video you would like to download. After the download is complete, a thumbnail will appear in the Play tab where the video can be played or removed.
비디오를 다운로드하려면 지원하는 웹사이트에서 선택하십시오. 다운로드하고 싶은 비디오를 선택합니다. 다운로드를 완료한 다음에 썸네일이 비디오를 재생하거나 제거할 수 있는 재생 탭에 나타납니다.
광고를 제거하거나 Premium 기능을 켜려면 설정에서 Viz Premium으로 업그레이드하세요.
Youtube는 해당 이용약관 때문에 지원하지 않습니다! -
Error shown when device does not have an sd card or it's not mounted
correctly and the app will not function properlyViz not usableViz not usable
Viz를 사용할 수 없음 -
종료 -
External storage not found or not writable. This could happen if your device is connected to a computer or if your device is not supported.
External storage not found or not writable. This could happen if your device is connected to a computer or if your device is not supported.
외부 저장소를 찾지 못하거나 쓸 수 없습니다. -
Type URL (or use the bookmarks tab)
Type URL (or use the bookmarks tab)
URL 입력(또는 즐겨찾기 탭 사용) -
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