Source -
Select a backup file
Select a backup file
Select a backup file -
Remove selected row?
Remove selected row?
Remove selected row? -
A public talk with the same number is already saved! Do you want to discontinue the previous talk? Scheduled talks will be moved to the To Do List.
A public talk with the same number is already saved!
Do you want to discontinue the previous talk?
Scheduled talks will be moved to the To Do List.A public talk with the same number is already saved!
Do you want to discontinue the previous talk?
Scheduled talks will be moved to the To Do List. -
Title -
Song number missing
Song number missing
Song number missing -
Song title missing
Song title missing
Song title missing -
Song is already saved!
Song is already saved!
Song is already saved! -
Song added to database
Song added to database
Song added to database -
City -
Type -
City name missing
City name missing
City name missing -
City is already saved!
City is already saved!
City is already saved! -
City added to database
City added to database
City added to database -
Territory type name missing
Territory type name missing
Territory type name missing -
Territory type is already saved!
Territory type is already saved!
Territory type is already saved! -
Territory type added to database
Territory type added to database
Territory type added to database -
Name of the street type is missing
Name of the street type is missing
Name of the street type is missing -
Street type is already saved!
Street type is already saved!
Street type is already saved! -
Street type added to database
Street type added to database
Street type added to database
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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