Assign brothers to program parts and students to presentations
Assign brothers to program parts and students to presentations
Print schedules using different templates
Print schedules using different templates
Print assignment slips for students and assistants
Print assignment slips for students and assistants
Export whole meetings and/or single assignments as ICS calendar files
Export whole meetings and/or single assignments as ICS calendar files
Arrange public talks and speakers
Arrange public talks and speakers
Schedule brothers as chairman and / or reader
Schedule brothers as chairman and / or reader
Print schedules
Print schedules
Export whole meetings and/or single assignments as ICS calendar files
Export whole meetings and/or single assignments as ICS calendar files
Import and View territory boundaries
Import and View territory boundaries
Assign territories
Assign territories
View and Edit Map data
View and Edit Map data
Import and Edit addresses
Import and Edit addresses
Print territory cards and Reports
Print territory cards and Reports
Synchronize all data to Dropbox and on different devices
Synchronize all data to Dropbox and on different devices
Share data with other TheocBase users in your congregation
Share data with other TheocBase users in your congregation
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