Discontinuing this talk will move talks scheduled with this outline to the To Do List.
Discontinuing this talk will move talks scheduled with this outline to the To Do List.
Final Talk
Final Talk
Zrewidowano -
Imię i nazwisko -
Number of address type is missing
Number of address type is missing
Name of address type is missing
Name of address type is missing
Address type is already saved!
Address type is already saved!
Address type added to database
Address type added to database
Error sending e-mail
Error sending e-mail
Błąd podczas wysyłania e-maila -
Select ePub file
Select ePub file
Wybierz plik ePub -
Warning: Make sure this file comes from a trusted source. Continue?
Warning: Make sure this file comes from a trusted source. Continue?
Uwaga: Upewnij się, że ten plik pochodzi z zaufanego źródła. Kontynuować? -
Command File
Command File
Plik z Komendami -
Zebranie -
Remove the whole meeting? (Use only to remove invalid data from database)
Remove the whole meeting? (Use only to remove invalid data from database)
Usunąć całe zebranie? (Użyj tylko w celu usunięcia błędnych danych z bazy danych) -
Enter source material here
Enter source material here
Tutaj wpisz materiał źródłowy -
Remove this talk? (Use only to remove invalid data from database)
Remove this talk? (Use only to remove invalid data from database)
Usunąć przemówienie? (Użyj tylko w celu usunięcia błędnych danych z bazy danych) -
Bible Reading
Bible Reading
Czytanie Biblii -
Song 1
Song 1
Pieśn 1 -
Song 2
Song 2
Pieśń 2
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