AgoraPulse/[Old] Manager
Get ad token
Refresh ad token
Ad account
Choose the ad account from which Agorapulse will synchronize your dark posts
Please sync your Facebook ad account below to manage comments on your Facebook newsfeed ads (unpublished posts). Click “refresh ad token” to display your ad accounts, then select one ad account to link with this Facebook page
Ad account
Select an account
You don’t have access to any ad accounts. Please ask the person in charge of managing ads for this page to give you access to the ad account as an “ad account advertiser” . Then, click the “refresh ad token” again and you should be good to go.
Admins have all permissions. They are the only ones allowed to subscribe to plans, change settings, invite new team members, and change their roles
Editors have full access to Publishing and Apps/Campaigns management. They can also export users, PPT reports and moderate Inbox/Monitoring items.
Moderators have full access to Inbox/Monitoring (approve, reply, assign, flag, etc.). In Publishing, they can only schedule content to be approved by an Editor or an Admin.
Guests are in read-only mode, they cannot perform any publishing or moderation actions.
This person will no longer be an admin. Are you sure? -
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