AgoraPulse/[Old] Manager
You have been invited by <strong>{0}</strong> to manage <strong>{1}</strong> profile(s) with the role <strong>{2}</strong>
You have been invited by
to manage<strong>
profile(s) with the role<strong>
Vous avez été invité par<strong>
à gérer<strong>
compte(s) avec le rôle<strong>
You have reached your current plan limit: <strong>{0}</strong> manager(s) max.<br/>Please upgrade your subscription to invite more managers.
You have reached your current plan limit:
manager(s) max.<br/>
Please upgrade your subscription to invite more managers.Vous avez atteint la limite de l''offre actuelle :<strong>
gestionnaire(s) max.<br/>
Veuillez mettre à jour votre offre pour pouvoir inviter d''autres gestionnaires. -
Sorry, this Twitter profile is already being managed by other admin(s) on AgoraPulse and it has reached its current plan limit (number of administrators).
Sorry, this Twitter profile is already being managed by other admin(s) on AgoraPulse and it has reached its current plan limit (number of administrators).
Désolé, ce compte Twitter est déjà géré par un autre administrateur sur AgoraPulse et a atteint la limite de son offre (nombre de gestionnaires). -
Sorry, this Instagram profile is already being managed by other admin(s) on AgoraPulse and it has reached its current plan limit (number of administrators).
Sorry, this Instagram profile is already being managed by other admin(s) on AgoraPulse and it has reached its current plan limit (number of administrators).
Désolé, ce compte Instagram est déjà géré par un autre administrateur sur AgoraPulse et a atteint la limite de son offre (nombre de gestionnaires). -
<b>Mentions</b>, public posts mentioning your page
, public posts mentioning your page<b>
, publications publiques où votre page est mentionnée -
<b>Mentions</b>, people mentioning your profile
, people mentioning your profile<b>
, tweets mentionnant votre compte -
<b>Searches</b>, ALL tweets containing hashtags or keywords you're monitoring (filtered by location as well!)
, ALL tweets containing hashtags or keywords you're monitoring (filtered by location as well!)<b>
, TOUS les tweets contenant des hashtags ou mots-clés relatifs à votre marque (filtre par géolocalisation également !) -
<b>Hashtag searches</b>, collect all media containing hashtags you monitor
Hashtag searches</b>
, collect all media containing hashtags you monitor<b>
, tous les médias contenant les hashtags relatifs à votre marque -
<b>Location searches</b>, collect all media from people at the locations you monitor
Location searches</b>
, collect all media from people at the locations you monitor<b>
, utilisateurs publiant des photos ou vidéos depuis votre localisation. -
Sorry, you don't have admin rights for this page
Sorry, you don't have admin rights for this page
Vous n'avez pas les droits d'administrateur pour cette page -
We have no data for this user as of today. This content may have been created when you were in trial or on a plan not allowing user data collection. We’ll provide data for this user the next time he/she interacts with your page.
We have no data for this user as of today. This content may have been created when you were in trial or on a plan not allowing user data collection. We’ll provide data for this user the next time he/she interacts with your page.
Nous n'avons aucune donnée pour cet utilisateur pour l'instant. Ce contenu a pu être créé alors que vous étiez en période d'essai ou avec un plan ne permettant pas la collecte d'information sur les utilisateurs. Nous vous fournirons des données la prochaine fois que cet utilisateur interagira avec votre page. -
Sorry, your device is not supported.<br/>We currently only support <strong>iOS</strong> and <strong>Android</strong> devices.
Sorry, your device is not supported.
We currently only support<strong>
devices.Nous sommes désolés, votre appareil n'est pas supporté.<br/>
Nous ne supportons actuellement que les appareils<strong>
. -
You must remove some social profiles in order to downgrade your subscription
You must remove some social profiles in order to downgrade your subscription
Vous devez retirer des comptes de votre souscription en cours afin de pouvoir mettre à jour votre offre -
You must remove some admins in at least one of your social profiles in order to downgrade your subscription
You must remove some admins in at least one of your social profiles in order to downgrade your subscription
Vous devez retirer des admins de certains comptes de votre souscription en cours afin de pouvoir mettre à jour votre offre -
Add additional Team Members to your plan for {0}39/month per person.
Add additional Team Members to your plan for {0}39/month per person.
Ajoutez des administrateurs supplémentaires à votre plan pour 39{0}/mois par admin. -
Manage your conversations, publishing and monitored items on the go with the mobile app (Android and iOS).
Manage your conversations, publishing and monitored items on the go with the mobile app (Android and iOS).
Gérez vos conversations et votre veille depuis notre application mobile smartphone (Android et iOS) -
Ads Monitoring
Ads Monitoring
Synchronisation Ads -
Easily manage, moderate and reply to comments on your Facebook and Instagram ads
Easily manage, moderate and reply to comments on your Facebook and Instagram ads
Modérez et répondez facilement aux commentaires reçus sur vos publicités Facebook et Instagram (Publications non-publiées / Dark posts) -
campaigns / ad account
campaigns / ad account
Campagne publicitaire -
You'll collect comments on your Unpublished posts on your last {0} Facebook ad campaigns
You'll collect comments on your Unpublished posts on your last {0} Facebook ad campaigns
Vous récupérerez les commentaires de vos Unpublished posts sur les {0} dernières campagnes publicitaires Facebook.