[%, ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO, PQRS, TUV, WXYZ, +, #, ]
[%, ABC, DEF, GHI, JKL, MNO, PQRS, TUV, WXYZ, +, #, ]
[International calls, Local/National calls]
[International calls, Local/National calls]
[Carrier code, Access number]
[Carrier code, Access number]
[Prompt, None, 2 second, 4 seconds, 6 seconds, 8 seconds, 10 seconds]
[Prompt, None, 2 second, 4 seconds, 6 seconds, 8 seconds, 10 seconds]
אינטליפון -
This dialer tries to predict who you want to call, using AI techniques. \nThe person you want to call is usually displayed towards the top, without needing to search for them. It keeps refining it\'s predictions as you use your phone. \n\nNote that you only have a license to use the app, not to distribute it. Also, the author will not be held responsible for any data loss, damage etc from your use of this app.
This dialer tries to predict who you want to call, using AI techniques.
\nThe person you want to call is usually displayed towards the top, without needing to search for them.
It keeps refining it\'s predictions as you use your phone.
\n\nNote that you only have a license to use the app, not to distribute it.
Also, the author will not be held responsible for any data loss, damage etc from your use of this app. -
Do you agree with these conditions?
Do you agree with these conditions?
:לא ידוע: -
:לא ידוע: -
הגדרות -
אנשי קשר -
Call History
Call History
היסטורית חיוג -
Use access numbers
Use access numbers
Set the visual theme
Set the visual theme
Rearrange display on rotation?
Rearrange display on rotation?
Display switches to landscape-mode when device rotated
Display switches to landscape-mode when device rotated
DTMF tones
DTMF tones
Dialpad keys play DTMF tones for audio feedback
Dialpad keys play DTMF tones for audio feedback
Clear missed calls
Clear missed calls
These are keypad letters. For some langs they might look like: xyz\nABC - i.e. native letters forllowed by the English ones on a new line.