gTrax/gTrax Translation
Téléphone -
Description: Resources logged timeslices to project are in table below
Below are the time slices that have been logged by this resource.Below are the time slices that have been logged by this resource.
Ci dessous, les intervalles de temps indiqués par cette ressource. -
Select a project
Select a project
Sélectionner un projet -
Nom -
Assigned Projects
Assigned Projects
Projets associés -
Groupe -
Show Archived Resources?
Show Archived Resources?
Montrer les ressources archivées? -
Below are the people that have been registered for your organization. To view or edit an existing resource click on its linked Resource Name. Archived resources are hidden by default, but if you''d like to see them you can choose the "Show Archived Resources" checkbox.
Below are the people that have been registered for your organization. To view or edit an existing resource click on its linked Resource Name. Archived resources are hidden by default, but if you''d like to see them you can choose the "Show Archived Resources" checkbox.
Les personnes associée à votre organisation apparaissent ci dessous. Pour afficher ou éditer une ressource existante, cliquer sur le lien "Nom de la ressource". Par défaut, les ressources archivées sont cachées, mais si vous voulez les voir vous pouvez cocher la case "Montrer les ressources archivées". -
Run Report
Run Report
Exécuter l''Etat -
Description: Report text showing number of billable hours vs. non-billable hours
0=htmlElement1Begin (Example: ), 1=htmlElement1End (Example: ), 2=htmlElement2Begin (Example: ), 3=htmlElement2End (Example: )There are {0}0{1} billable hours and {2}0{3} non-billable hours logged for this time period.There are {0}0{1} billable hours and {2}0{3} non-billable hours logged for this time period.
Il y a {0}0{1} heures facturables et {2}0{3} heures non-facturables enregistrées pour cette période. -
Description: Report is loading, Please wait
0=linebreak (Example: )Report is loading{0}Please wait...Report is loading{0}Please wait...
L''Etat charge, {0} patientez SVP... -
Description: Report date range select boxes
0=startDate (Example: ), 1=endDate (Example: ){0} to {1}{0} to {1}
{0} jusqu''au {1} -
Date Range
Date Range
Période -
Description: Report heading start to end date
0=htmlElement1Begin (Example: ), 1=htmlElement1End (Example: ), 2=htmlElement2Begin (Example: ), 3=htmlElement2End (Example: ){0}Start{1} to {2}End{3}{0}Start{1} to {2}End{3}
{0}Du {1} jusqu''au {2}Fin{3} -
Project Code
Project Code
Code Projet -
(optionnel) -
Notes -
Your initial budget is the amount of effort a client has agreed to pay for. It is independent of the Time Category budgets, and should be used for comparison of initial estimate and actual effort logged against the project.
Your initial budget is the amount of effort a client has agreed to pay for. It is independent of the Time Category budgets, and should be used for comparison of initial estimate and actual effort logged against the project.
Votre budget initial correspond au montant de prestation qu''un client a contractualisé avec vous. C''est indépendant du budget de la catégorie de temps, et doit être utilisé pour comparer l''estimation initial et le temps réellement passé sur ce projet. -
Time Categories
Time Categories
Categories de temps -
Project Name
Project Name
Nom du Projet
Description: Phone number label