Project Activity

06 juil. de 07:28 to 19:29
fleex changed 2 translations in French on fleex. See changes »
23 juin ‘14 18:03
Jjose22 joined the project fleex as Translator . Jjose22 was invited by fleex.
19 juin de 10:07 to 10:08
fleex changed 2 translations in French on fleex. See changes »
18 juin ‘14 15:30
Audiosavas joined the project fleex as translator, Lithuanian, Lithuania . Audiosavas was invited by fleex.
18 juin de 09:29 to 09:29
fleex changed 2 translations in French on fleex. See changes »
16 juin de 04:41 to 16:42
fleex changed 2 translations in French on fleex. See changes »
16 juin de 04:02 to 16:05
fleex changed 6 translations in French and Spanish on fleex. See changes »
16 juin ‘14 08:35
fleex changed 1 translations in Spanish on fleex. See changes »
14 juin ‘14 10:50
Mohpayoneer joined the project fleex as Translator . Mohpayoneer was invited by fleex.
05 juin ‘14 14:56
Tareq joined the project fleex as Translator . Tareq was invited by fleex.
05 juin de 01:40 to 13:57
fleex changed 2 translations in French on fleex. See changes »
04 juin ‘14 20:48
Samermetwally joined the project fleex as Translator . Samermetwally was invited by fleex.
04 juin ‘14 15:01
Khalid 0054 joined the project fleex as Translator . Khalid 0054 was invited by fleex.
03 juin ‘14 21:56
Heloizerego joined the project fleex as Translator . Heloizerego was invited by fleex.
03 juin ‘14 20:27
Abdielantonio13 joined the project fleex as Translator . Abdielantonio13 was invited by fleex.
02 juin ‘14 19:23
Peterhone joined the project fleex as Translator . Peterhone was invited by fleex.
02 juin ‘14 18:02
Alexisonzen joined the project fleex as Translator . Alexisonzen was invited by fleex.
02 juin ‘14 16:01
Roberthcespedes joined the project fleex as Translator . Roberthcespedes was invited by fleex.
02 juin ‘14 15:15
Luihurgom joined the project fleex as Translator . Luihurgom was invited by fleex.
02 juin ‘14 15:00
Topesa joined the project fleex as Translator . Topesa was invited by fleex.
02 juin ‘14 10:35
Mirthe joined the project fleex as Translator . Mirthe was invited by fleex.
02 juin de 08:59 to 09:02
fleex changed 14 translations in French on fleex. See changes »
31 mai ‘14 03:46
Abdulaziz joined the project fleex as Translator . Abdulaziz was invited by fleex.
30 mai ‘14 11:13
Danilo cs joined the project fleex as Translator . Danilo cs was invited by fleex.
29 mai ‘14 13:25
Gcapedro joined the project fleex as Translator . Gcapedro was invited by fleex.