FLOSS Manuals/Booktype in Finnish
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Book does not exist!
Book does not exist!
Book does not exist! -
Can't find book "%(book_name)s".
Can't find book "%(book_name)s".
Can't find book "%(book_name)s". -
Chapter does not exist!
Chapter does not exist!
Chapter does not exist! -
Can't find chapter "%(chapter_name)s".
Can't find chapter "%(chapter_name)s".
Can't find chapter "%(chapter_name)s". -
I don't know what to do!
I don't know what to do!
I don't know what to do! -
There is more then one chapter named - "%(chapter_name)s". I am not sure which one to show.
There is more then one chapter named - "%(chapter_name)s". I am not sure which one to show.
There is more then one chapter named - "%(chapter_name)s". I am not sure which one to show. -
/chapter: %(chaptertitle)s / %(booktitle)s
/chapter: %(chaptertitle)s / %(booktitle)s
/chapter: %(chaptertitle)s / %(booktitle)s -
/book: %(booktitle)s
/book: %(booktitle)s
/book: %(booktitle)s -
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Status: -
(this book is hidden from others)
(this book is hidden from others)
(this book is hidden from others) -
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(this book is visible to everyone)
(this book is visible to everyone) -
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