Verify FTP Settings
Version 1.6
Please enter a valid admin password:
The Admin password does not match the confirm admin password field
Some errors occurred in backing up the database.
Cookies do not appear to be enabled on your browser client. You will not be able to install the application with this feature disabled. Alternatively, there could also be a problem with the server's
. If this is the case, please consult your hosting provider if you don't know how to check or fix this yourself.
An error occurred while trying to create the database %s.
<br />
The user may not have enough privileges to create a database. The required database may need to be created separately before you can install Joomla!.
Some errors occurred deleting the database.
Please enter a valid e-mail address.
Disabling FTP could cause problems with installing Joomla! Extensions
PHP iconv extension is not loaded and is needed for migration
Upload failed! File uploads are not enabled in PHP.
Upload failed! The zlib extension for PHP is not loaded.
Upload failed! Uploaded file not found.
Upload failed! Archive unpack error.
No sample data or other data installed. Click OK to continue. Click Cancel to redo this step.
Could not connect to the database. Connector returned number: %s
Please enter a site name:
Some errors occurred while attempting to populate the database.
Upload failed! Check that the 'tmp' and 'installation/sql/migration' directories are writable.
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