Luminescence Software/Metatogger
Open in Metatogger
Open in Metatogger
在 Metatogger 中打开 -
The audio data cannot be decoded for playing ({0}).
The audio data cannot be decoded for playing ({0}).
音频数据无法解码播放 ({0})。 -
The file format is not supported.
The file format is not supported.
不支持文件格式。 -
The file is not found.
The file is not found.
找不到文件。 -
The file doesn't conform to the expected file format specifications.
The file doesn't conform to the expected file format specifications.
该文件不符合预期的文件格式规范。 -
The file cannot be opened. Make sure it is not in use or locked by another program.
The file cannot be opened. Make sure it is not in use or locked by another program.
该文件无法打开。 确保它未被使用或被另一个程序锁定。 -
The file cannot be saved. Make sure it is not read-only, in use or locked by another program.
The file cannot be saved. Make sure it is not read-only, in use or locked by another program.
无法保存文件。 确保它不是只读的,正在使用或被另一个程序锁定。 -
专辑 -
All supported types
All supported types
所有支持的类型 -
艺术家 -
Bits per Sample
Bits per Sample
采样位数 -
Channel Mode
Channel Mode
声道模式 -
编解码器 -
Il n’a plus de segments à afficher.
Chargement d’autres segments en cours…
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